Where Do You Picture Your Career in 10 Years? (A Not-So-Subtle Reminder)
Need a reminder to think about the future? Look no further than a bar and a 21-year-old for inspiration.

Where Do You Picture Your Career in 10 Years? (A Not-So-Subtle Reminder)

So there I was...

My friend Emily were sitting at the bar drinking red wine (me) and Tito's and soda w/ lime (her), minding our own business.

Then, my insatiable need to know everyone's business reared its ugly head...

Next to us, the bartender was heavily inspecting an upward-facing driver's license which we all know is shorthand for... under 21.

Personally, being 32 (newly minted on Oct. 30th, thank you!), I hadn't seen an upward-facing ID in years, so I just had to ask. Turns out our cute little bunny of a friend had just turned 21 on October 21st, and he was more than proud to show off his license to anyone who wanted to see it. And everything would have been just fine had we stopped there.

However, Casanova wanted to return the (invasive) favor. That exchange went a little something like this:

Him: "I know, I know, I'm a baby. I get it."

Me: "No, it's fine! Your 21st is definitely worth celebrating."

Him: "Thanks! How old are you?"

Me: "I just turned 32 last week."


Him: "Wow, you look GREAT for 30!"


Should have quit while he was ahead...

At first I laughed it off. Then, I tried to do that whole, "when you're older, you'll understand" type of speech. I looked at Emily for some type of witty comeback...

All in all, we left the conversation as two empty-handed, 30-something, has-beens watching Skippy slink away.

The lesson? Walk away from the upward-facing ID. (Kidding.)

The real lesson? When you're 21, you think 30 is eons away. When you're 32, you get not-so-subtle reminders that ten years goes by faster than you think.

If you're telling yourself that it's ok to wait out your miserable, unfulfilling job for 1 year... 2 years... 5 years... and THEN you'll be in the right place to look for work you love:

Then you're in for a not-so-subtle reminder yourself.

1 year becomes 10 years faster than you can say "foot in your mouth". As they say, there's no time like the present. Right now, it may seem like age 30... or 40... or 50... or retirement is YEARS away, but it will be right around the proverbial corner before you know it unless you take action, now.

We only get so much time to pursue a purposeful career.

Yes, it's never too late to start, but that's no excuse for not starting now.

If you know you're meant for something more...

If you want your career to light a fire under you...

If you have potential that's waiting to be unleashed on the world...

And the only thing holding you back is confidence and clarity, then we have the solution for you.

To learn more about our step-by-step, proven process that promises career clarity in three days or it's FREE, then you can't afford to wait anymore.

Book your FREE career strategy call, now.

During that call, we'll go deep into your current situation to uncover the gaps between your reality and your ideal career. We talk about the proven strategies and opportunities you have for eliminating uncertainty and gaining clarity. And we'll go over the logistics of pursuing that vision with absolute confidence, together.

These spots book up quickly, so grab yours now.

From my elderly heart to yours, I'm wishing you the courage to ask for the help you need and the wisdom to accept it.

Be unstoppable,


PS- Know someone who would benefit from this message or a call about career clarity? Forward us!! Or simply reply with their contact information, and we will do all the heavy lifting.


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