Where do you keep your secrets?
Are you still keeping your secrets, credentials, and keys in the same server that is using them? Really? Let's think about that for a minute.
KumoMTA has a built-in keysource function that allows you to retrieve your secrets from a remote, secure store to protect you from physical theft or local intrusions. For DKIM signers, TLS certificates and keys, and HTTP or SMTP Auth credentials, this is essential in any modern #email deployment.
local vault_signer = kumo.dkim.rsa_sha256_signer {
key = {
vault_mount = 'secret',
vault_path = 'dkim/' .. msg:from_header().domain,
-- Specify how to reach the vault; if you omit these,
-- values will be read from $VAULT_ADDR and $VAULT_TOKEN
-- Note that these environment vars must be accessible
-- by the kumod user. If using systemd, edit the systemd
-- service file. [Look here](docs/tutorial/using_vault/) for more information
-- vault_address = ""
-- vault_token = "hvs.TOKENTOKENTOKEN"