Where do we go to get answers to our questions?
The world is a confusing place right now with so many questions and few apparent answers. Our divisions create differences that are not easily rectified, and the various viewpoints often create conflicting answers. We have questions about the Israel-Hamas war, gun controls, illegal aliens, educational choices, abortion and the right to life, and so many other current topics. Politicians and the government do not have answers. Main-street media doesn’t have a clue or is totally biased in their reporting. Higher education is embroiled in liberal thinking that just doesn’t work. Do you trust the internet and its social media platforms?
Where can we turn? We live our life, and things happen, good things and bad things.? We would like to know ‘why’. What is behind them, and did we cause the problems or are they only the results of actions out of our control? ?We may ask how in the world does this fit with God’s will? Few of us are optimistic or believe that answers are even possible.
You only have a couple real options. You can choose the position that things happen in life randomly with no clear purpose or reason. You might conclude that people are greedy, caring only for themselves and their own interests; that they are evil, without love or compassion and this is how things happen as they do.
Or you can believe that God is in control. As Romans 8:28 says: “And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” If we live in Christian truth, integrity, & faith---people notice and we see answers.? A life that depends on GOD—is noticed.? ?
Where should you go for answers to life’s toughest questions? We seek answers in many different places. But I have found that there is only one TRUTH, the TRUTH of God.
?We are placed where we are not by chance, not by luck, but by GOD’s intended purpose. ??We are perfectly situated right where we are—by the perfect-GOD’s-design!? To do what GOD desires and because HE put us here; He gives us the ability to do HIS will.? He does not call the qualified, he qualifies the called. So, the answer is to why God allows bad things happen to good people…for His Glory and Honor. Asking questions of GOD is part of life, it is part of learning more about God, so we increase in our faith in HIM.
Where do you turn for the answers you seek?