Where do Free Vals come from?

Where do Free Vals come from?

How many agents reading this know exactly WHY the last ten (twenty, thirty, forty, hundred etc etc) potential house sellers rang your agency for a free val?

Out of the 20, 30, 50, 100 agents in your town .. why you?

I am not talking about the box the Neg ticked … I mean a real deep down finding out why, a question that can only be really found out by the Valuer, face to face, drilling really deep,  when you are sat on the sofa giving your pitch?

What aspect of your marketing worked so well … so that you can keep repeating it?

Was it the campaign you started last week - or the marketing campaign you did last month – or six months ago, or the fact you sold their friends house 2 years ago or something else?

“You name popped into our head”, isn’t a good enough reason …. And if it is .. you should be worried.

My intuition tells me most agents will accept as many free valuations as they can without knowing how and why the punter rang you.

Let me give you five questions to get you started on finding out more

1. How did your last potential property seller that rang you for the free val find you?

2. What were they looking for when they found you?

3. Why did they choose you?

4. What problem are they eager for you to help them with?

5. What part of the assurances you gave at the free val do they supremely want to believe?

The next listing comes from understanding how they answered these questions.


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