Where Did Your Hour Go?
Daylight Saving Time ended last weekend.
I’ve posted a previous article about my opinion of changing clocks twice a year. (Spoiler alert: Stupid.)
But we’re still doing it. And we turned our clocks back one hour last Sunday morning at 2 am – if we followed the law. Most of us probably changed our clocks on Saturday night. Ha!
A lot of my clocks, more all the time, set themselves. And that is a nice convenience. But not all of them do, and that leads to an inconvenience. Which clocks do I fiddle with and which do I leave alone? I know my extremely manual and analog grandfather clock needs to be set. But how do I remember which of all my electric clocks are smart?
I don’t. So I may spend much of the hour I am about to save patrolling the house seeking out all the clocks and gizmos that have clocks. The bedside clock – I think that is smart; if not I’ll be early to church (or is that late?). The stove, the microwave, the refrigerator, the coffee maker, the alarm system, the sprinkler system, the cable box (No, I’m sure that one is smart), the programmed dog feeder…..I am surrounded by devices that depend on what time it is.
Is my new-ish car smart? I know that my old truck is not smart.
Two things I could NOT reset were my dogs. They knew when I was supposed to get up on Sunday – and every day since, although they are beginning to adjust. There was no extra hour of sleep as far as they were concerned.
So, all the evidence points to the conclusion I reached in my previous article about changing clocks twice a year. It is a stupid idea. It does not save time. It costs time.
And it confuses our animals.