Where could you be in 10 years if you got out of your own way?
Image sourced from Canva

Where could you be in 10 years if you got out of your own way?

Vision, insight, foresight or a compound of all 3?

10 years ago, I had just graduated and would never have even imagined I’d be doing what I do currently for a living.

I was set on a career path that I thought would make me feel happy and successful.

All I knew in my mind was this path. That was all I had perceived.

And it became a reality, I achieved the career path that I was constantly thinking about yet something was missing and I didn’t know what.

Confused. Lost. Trapped. And stuck in a rut.

We often have a vision, a vision of what we would like our life to be, or what we imagine it should be. But we often lack the foresight needed to actually 'know'.

It was only when I was able to get real with myself. Connect with my truth, and lead my life from this place, did happiness and the true feeling of success come.

After finding and connecting with that sense of knowing, knowing who I am, what I stand for, my direction in life, only then was I then able to go out there into the world and do my thing.

And once I was able to do that, I received insights. I was guided. I was able to perceive a different reality in my own mind.

And because I was able to then expand my mind and think of a vision that was true to me, the vision came to me. And so did inspiration to be the best version I could be.

I have learned that there’s great things destined for my life and yours.

Our job is to connect within, take ownership, and have courage to take small steps along that path.

Not to question how to get ‘there’.

Sometimes the biggest work we will do on yourselves is getting out our own way, to let life work through us.

The more we lead from within, the more we can release that inner greatness, external success in family life, business, career is a result of the internal.

This is the real journey. The best journey I’ve been on and continue to be on.

So I ask you again, where could you be in 10 years if you got out of your own way?

P.s. I’d love your help ?? I’m looking for 5 people who resonate with this post to test a Lead From Within Scorecard I am developing. If you’d like to take the quiz (approx 10 mins) and give me feedback on it - Comment below or DM me with ‘scorecard’ and I’ll get back to you with details. 


