Flight Lieutenant AT Kishore
Chief Instructor, Director Dhanwantari Drone Pilot Academy
Some technologies sustain testing times beyond two decades-GSM wireless is one of them. Despite availability of 4G AND BEYOND, there are people out there in market who like to have their OLD GSM INTERNATIONAL ROAMING PHONE. AT&T made bold steps to fork lift and not sure if they have successfully moved all their base to beyond pure 2G with out a single exception.
CDMA the technology that has long history since 1920's and secret militiary rendezvous and electronic counter counter measures in battle field tactics where jamming pods were best controlled by codes that could never be understood by enemy.
Both the 2G technology rivals are resilient to changing times and they are still sustained in many parts of the world. Given the potential use cases of strong security framework of CDMA, looks like we have just scratched the surface of the potential use cases of the Qualcomms favourite technology that got fortunes for it for ever.