Where Is Charlotte? A Personal Story Song-Book
I would like to start with a riddle? What is the children's game that, if honest, we never stop playing?
The answer: Hide-and-Seek.
And another evocative question: Of course children's books speak to children; however, might a children's book also speak to an adult's "inner child?," especially an impish character who seems assertive, authentic, and adventurous? How many of us had the encouragement and freedom to be "Triple 'A' growing up in their family and/or peer group environments? How many of us are still trying to design a Triple "A" life as adults?
All this to announce that...
Mark Gorkin, "The Stress Doc's" First Children's Book,
Where Is Charlotte???Or Where Is ____________?: A Personal Story-Song Book,?
is ready for one and all!? ? ??
The Stress Doc uniquely blends a classic children’s tune with simple yet enchanting poetry in this story-songbook.??Reading and singing together (to the tune of “Frère Jacques”), adult and child bring to life the game of?Hide-and-Seek?as played by a feisty?and fun little fireball.??In addition, with the changing of Charlotte’s image throughout the story, a wide?variety of children (and adults) will see themselves in the book’s diversity.??Ultimately, Charlotte’s escapade will inspire?authenticity, self-assurance, and a sense of adventure, along with loving connection, in children of all ages.
Mark Gorkin is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Trauma/Grief Consultant, and author of a new, 24-page illustrated?children's story-song book (ages 2-6),?Where Is Charlotte?? If you would like a free eBook, just email me at [email protected]. The book is getting great response from parents, therapists, librarians, and kids. (Actually, the Howard County, MD Main Library just took six books for all the HC branches and will be scheduling a book reading in the near future. So too a Senior Center; a Grandparent's Day event.)? Also, this note includes a book summary, book ordering info, and a brief author bio.
As well as testimonial support from a local psychotherapist to an "international" friend from India:
I had an opportunity to read/sing your book to a 4-year-old little girl (patient) this morning.? She loved it so much, identifying?with the spunky character.? She begged to take it home so we made a deal about her using her words and her mom?just wrote and said she’s gotten her mom to read it twice more and she’s growling and howling and on and on.? Quite a success!??I’d thought you would like to know it was a hit!
Jul 9, 2024, Risha Handlers
Oh, and Risha sent another note:
And would u consider a “ boy” version.??
Her brother was here and I could tell he was in envy
Shruti (the child’s aunt) used to sing your poem to my daughter... and my daughter just loves it.
She used to replace?Charlotte with Gurnur (my daughter’s name).? All the best my friend.
July 7, 2024,?Stutie Mehta
As an addendum, I have included below "Top Ten Features and Benefits."? I would be happy to discuss any and all, including doing a book event, for both children and/or parents.? (I'm in Columbia, MD. Though, as the Stress Doc??, my motto: "Have Stress? Will Travel: A Smart Mouth for Hire!)? I have decades of experience as a speaker, workshop leader, and Psychohumorist??.??You might want to check out my website --https://www.stressdoc.com.
Thank you for your consideration.? Please feel free to share. Sincerely,
Mark Gorkin, LICSW
Ordering and expanded summary info below.
Book Ordering Links
Where Is Charlotte?:? ?A Personal Story-Song Book?is also available wherever books are sold online.
(More book info below, from how to order the book to an expanded book summary, along with info on the author.?
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About the Book
Where Is Charlotte??captures the game of?Hide-and-Seek?as played by a feisty and fun little fireball. Drawing?on the classic children’s tune, “Frère Jacques,” adults and children read and sing together, bringing to life a?young girl not afraid to say, “No.” Our little trickster has an authentic and assertive voice (perhaps a tad cheeky)?and a playfully sassy non-verbal style. Charlotte bravely goes from familiar inside hiding places to “climbing trees”?and “riding a breeze.”
?A young reader is empowered by an adventurous and imaginative child navigating her own personal energy?and space. Confidently expressing a range of emotions and one’s own true voice ultimately nurtures physical?affection and loving connection. Reading?Where Is Charlotte??will have children of all ages aspiring to the?author’s playfully-affirming mantra: To be your fullest self without being (too) full of yourself! In fact, our personal,?never-ending game of?Hide-and-Seek?is the path of self-discovery and actualization.
About the Author
Mark Gorkin, aka “The Stress Doc,” is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and acclaimed psychotherapist, speaker,?author, and grief-trauma consultant. The Doc has been capturing people’s imagination on stage and page, on?radio and screens for decades. In?Where Is Charlotte??this self-proclaimed Psychohumorist ? blends upbeat?psychology and playful poetic voice. Transforming his own childhood angst and hidden self, Mark weaves the?inspiration of a vibrant little girl and a classic children’s song. Story-telling, singing, and sharing brings new life?to a timeless tune and beloved children’s game. To learn more about the author:?https://www.stressdoc.com. Or, email:?[email protected].
Where Is Charlotte?:??Top Ten Features and Benefits
1.??WIC??is a highly interactive and intimate experience.??Adult and child, therapist and client, or teacher and children sing together, sharing a fun and intimate connection, while immersing all parties in li’l Charlotte’s?Hide-and-Seek?adventure.??From a friend and psychotherapist, some supporting evidence:
I had an opportunity to read/sing your book to a 4-year-old little girl (patient) this morning.??She loved it so much, identifying with the spunky character.??She begged to take it home so we made a deal about her using her words and her mom just wrote and said she’s gotten her mom to read it twice more and she’s growling and howling and on and on.??Quite a success!??I’d thought you would like to know it was a hit!
Jul 9, 2024, Risha Handlers
Oh, and Risha sent another note:
And would u consider a “ boy” version.??
Her brother was here and I could tell he was in envy
2.??WIC??is a short and richly engaging/rewarding read and ride.? From the intriguing cover to the enchanting poetic words along with 24 vibrant and relatable illustrations, the book quickly –?playfully and purposefully?– grabs a reader’s attention.??Several teachers have envisioned the story as a class hand puppet project/experience.
3.??WIC??will have wide and diverse appeal.??With the changing of Charlotte’s image throughout the story, a wide variety of children (and adults) will see themselves in the book’s diversity, strengthening identification, engagement, and role modeling.
4.??WIC??models a little girl discovering and displaying her real – verbal and nonverbal – voice.??From the outset, our little hero models an authentic and assertive voice.??When the reader asks, “Is she hiding in the closet? Is she beneath the blanket,” Charlotte declares, “No she’s not!”??Also, Charlotte displays a playfully feisty nonverbal style in her facial expression, posture, and movement.
5.??WIC??sees our protagonist becoming increasingly adventurous.??As the story evolves Charlotte goes from inside hiding places to hiding in the willows, to climbing trees, even “floating on a light breeze.”
6.??WIC??encourages a bold self-confidence and a child’s natural/primal “call of the wild” sounds.??Charlotte confidently asserts herself even with folks who are bigger.??Not only does she project a strong self but she cries out primal-animal calls, e.g., roaring like a tiger, growling like a bear.??And roaring with an adult strengthens trust and playful connection.
7.??WIC??seeds a child’s imagination.??As played by Charlotte, the game of?Hide-and-Seek?is filled with imaginative possibilities – whether “floating on a breeze” or conjuring up unlikely hiding places, perhaps “turning into a flower” or picturing wild animals roaring in their natural settings.??And the poetic rhythm and rhyme throughout heightens attention, retention, and verbal-visual exploration for both child and adult!
8.??WIC??affirms independence and intimacy connection.??Charlotte’s escapade provides a vital lesson:??encouraging individual space and freedom to express and explore ultimately fosters self-confidence, a sense of trust, and a readiness to show physical – “bear hug” – loving connection.
9.?WIC??is “A Personal Story-Song Book.”??Adults are encouraged to replace the name Charlotte with your little loved one’s name, e.g., “Where Is Jacob???Where is Jacob?”??(Two syllable names work best.)??Or paste your loved one’s photo upon an image of Charlotte, e.g., when she shouts, “BOO!”??Consider this testimonial:
Shruti (the child’s aunt) used to sing your poem to my daughter... and my daughter just loves it.??She used to replace Charlotte with Gurnur (my daughter’s name).??Best of luck my friend!
July 9, 2024, Stutie Mehta
(Stutie’s a friend living in India)
10.?WIC?’s?“Closing Reflection and Engagement Guide.”??There is a post-story guide with six questions that focus on psychological issues raised by Charlotte’s escapade, for example, the degree of comfort saying “No,” the positive powers of fantasy or roaring like a wild animal, and how being adventurous might be both scary and exciting.??The questions not only enrich the child’s reading experience but may provide “food for thought” for adults, including memories of or associations to their own “Inner Child/Inner Charlotte.”