Ferial Youakim, CMIC
President of #AICI 2019-2021 | Speaker | Author | Philanthropist | Global Influencer & Leader | Entrepreneur | ByFERIAL & Empower Global Group Founder | Author of Beyond Beauty
We’ve spent this month detailing a color system that is sure to change the way you see and apply color. You’ve learned what it is, how to use it, and why you need it. But, to truly believe in this color system is to start at the beginning.?
Welcome to where it all began, and the starting point for how you, too, can climb aboard this caravan to success!?
Imitation Is The Sincerest Form Of Flattery
The original color system was founded by renowned Master Trainer and Lifestyle coach Ferial Youakim. It’s been a huge success, and where success exists, so do imitators.?
Many have tried to copy the 16 Season System. Some have even nefariously claimed it as their own. Yet, there is only one original, and none of the others hold the spirit of altruism behind why the original system was created.?
This is exactly why the imitators can never explain how and why the evolution began… why and how they supposedly created the system… much less what makes it so special. They don’t know because they didn’t invest their knowledge, talents, industry experience, and very hopes and dreams into its creation!?
What the imitators have created is confusion. They’ve tainted something beautiful by taking pieces here and there vs the entirety of the system. They’re using and teaching it wrong, and the results are good for no one.?
So, we invite you to join forces with us instead of attempting to imitate what you’ve yet to learn. As brand partners, you’ll learn every in and out of this color system and be able to apply and teach it properly. Your win is our win because our goal is to simply put this tool into as many hands as possible. We rise as one.?
Together: Be A Part Of The Evolution?
The above hasn’t been said to discourage you. Instead, you should feel more encouraged and empowered than ever. Become part of the beauty you so admire by joining hands with us as an Empower Global Group Partner.
Our 4-step system is something that anyone and everyone can learn. It’s as consistent and accurate in results as it is highly teachable and simple to learn. This is your opportunity to take your knowledge and skills to the next level. Learn the 4×4 Color System from the creator’s viewpoint and become part of what has made this system an evolution.?
Together, we can continue onward in building a vast community capable of laughing, learning, sharing, and making a real difference in our own lives as well as that of our clients. Together, we are inspired. Together, we are empowered by strength in numbers.?
What do we ask of you? Simple – open the vehicle door that suits you best, get in, and join our caravan to success. We are the caravan, but it’s always up to you which vehicle you choose:?
? Join our community caravan as a hobbyist.?
? Join our community caravan as a more serious study by becoming a Brand Partner.?
? Join our community caravan as an entrepreneurial mind by becoming an Ambassador.?
? Join our community caravan as a leader and influencer by becoming a Regional Ambassador.?
Whichever vehicle you choose, the premise is the same – you’re joining and helping to build a community based on a culture of diversity, belonging, and inclusion. Together, we learn to use mistakes as stepping stones vs stumbling blocks. Together, we journey to inspire, bond, and empower others as we strengthen our own accolades.?
What truly makes this “we” so special is that we all have the endless potential to rise to the top of our goals and ambitions. Yet, even as we rise without regret or guilt, our commitment is to never leave any of our “we” behind. This is how we all rise as one to our own individual successes. So, which vehicle will you choose for your journey?