Where is Africa's Data?
Data Revolution in Africa.... A Story Africa still has to tell.

Where is Africa's Data?

The power of data when it comes to strategy is undeniable.... Africa is still lacking behind on information and harnessing the holy grail of Data Insight... Data is now the most valuable source of information, and chances are you are most likely going to lose a lot of money trying to start a business without first testing your assumptions of the problem you are trying to solve through your product or service business. We sometimes think if we just have money and the product and the logo and the profile and the business bank account, it will be business as usual.... then you realise that nobody is coming to buy and your staff are looking great in nice uniforms but dololo (Zero) customers and you don't know why... you get frustrated you begin spending on social media, and more advertising and still dololo (Zero) customers, then you start finding excuses and begin blaming the staff and maybe also the witches but that is not the problem....

The problem is you did not make a business decision based on Data Insight, real evidence that you have the customer before you even open your business. I sometimes develop business plans and marketing plans for people and I always hear the same story of how they want to start the business but never got someone who first wanted to know if the business they want to start is viable, or them presenting data that can prove that there is a market for their business.... some people are lucky to get into businesses that were ripe for their time and location but they too get shocked when they fail to scale the very same business in another area.... because they don't understand that Hype does not mean the numbers will behave the same....

There is something called the holy spirit of strategic business decisions called Data Insight that is the holy grail of the behavior of your profit formula.... those who abide by the rules of numbers and figures are indeed the entrepreneurs that are going to win in our time of day..... I am telling you Africa, it is all about the numbers.... Data Insight is undeniably the holy grail of profit formula, but Africa still lags behind by remaining undocumented and being ignorant ....

No one really knows what is happening here and the worst part is that Africa herself does not know...and the man who is going to mine Africa's data is going to win... so who is that man? is he African? If Africa remains asleep, the third colonisation of Africa is not going to be bordered on our grounds, it is going to be satellite... things are just going to happen in Africa with nobody touching anybody... what ever happens Africa must own and take advantage of its data power...where are your numbers? Let me help you...#ProfitFomula Chapter 2


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