Whenua Tapu Cemetery
I recently posted my concern about the apparent plan to develop Whenua Tapu cemetery. I have drafted some new maps to clarify the location of the development proposals.
I have experience in the field of historical Geographic Information Systems (GIS). This often involves determining the approximate location of known historical features from sketches and rough historical maps. If you look at the maps in the links below you will see that there are geographic features on the Porirua City Council maps that can be accurately correlated to features that can be seen in publicly available maps (note in particular the road shapes and the curve of the railway line).
In my opinion, there is no doubt that the Porirua City Council is planning to develop Whenua Tapu Cemetery. The high density housing area relates to the National Policy Statement on Urban Capacity (and now the NPS Urban Development). This high density housing is focused around a planned railway station near the present location of the road crossing. While it is obvious that the planning maps are showing broad approximate boundaries, there is in fact limited possibilities where the actual areas can be in relation to features identifiable on the ground. There does not appear to be any possibility that the planned development will not include the cemetery.
I have requested under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 additional information from Porirua City Council. I will also request information from other agencies about the proposed railway station.
This map shows the areas planned for high-density housing development around transport nodes:
This map shows the close up of the proposed Whenua Tapu railway station and high density housing:
This map shows the aerial photography for the area of the proposed railway station and high density housing: