

When I was 15, its was 1986:

Time was eternal, everything happened slowly, there was time for everything, all was in the future. Having fun was all that mattered, friends and adventures were the most interesting things.Thinking about the future was like a mystery, everything was open to exploration, to understand everything was my gol.

There was no IT for the masses or social media, everything was mechanical, if you wanted to know some thing you needed a book on the subject, research was an arduous task, smart friends and our combined resources were the key to good information. TV, Vinyl long plays, Cassettes in 45, 60 and 90 minutes to use in my Sony Walkman, Atari and Nintendo were the games to play, Movies at home with the VHS or the Betamax, to record your favorite TV shows: Scooby-Doo, The Flintstones, The Jetsons, Jonny Quest, Captain Cave Man, Inspector Gadget, Magnum P.I., Wonder Woman, The Greatest American Hero, Charlie′s Angels, Manimal, Buck Rogers, The A Team, Knight Rider, Man From Atlantis, The Incredible Hulk, so many good TV Series, it was the golden age of TV.

Every weekend to the beach, or to the farm for Horseback riding, or to my friends houses, or to a friends party, always something to do, always some were to go.

The routine of school, the homework, the exams, keeping up with the daily school shores. Always seeing my friends in school, talking and playing in the class breaks, playing sports, running here and there. Dreaming of love, trying to understand girls, why they do what they do, what makes them tick.

Those were the days of day dreaming of the future, imagining how it would be when the Haley Comet returned, how old would I be in 2061, what would it be like in the years 2.000, starting to listen to U2, Depeche Mode, The Cure, INXS, Guns & Roses, Bon Jovi, Whitesnake, Wham!, Def Leppard, so many good music groups, also the golden age of POP and Rock, and of course MTV it was great to watch the music videos and the crazy commercials.

Everybody wanted to be rich, to have your own company, to have a Ferrari, and your own mansion, in 1986 everything was a dream that could come true, and it did for some. It was the time for dreaming.


