When You've Climbed As Far As You Can Climb
by: Dr. Kaylene
We've all heard the cliche about climbing the proverbial ladder. Unfortunately, the road to the top does not always go straight up. There are twists and turns. You might lose your footing, fall off, and have to start from the bottom all over again. A storm may come and delay your progress, leaving you just struggling to hang on.
What do you do when you've done all you can do? You've finished school, you've sent out the resumes, you've paid your dues. Why not enjoy the view? Drink up the surroundings right where you are at, like sweet coconut water to refresh you after exerting all that effort in your climb to the top of a palm tree.
I was recently certified as a life coach but, immediately after reaching this goal, I found myself scrambling to line up my next season. I decided to take a sabbatical to work on my art and hold out for a more permanent position (as I have been working temporary teaching contracts for years). As I navigated the uncertainty, a colleague (who coaches in Canada) reminded me to "celebrate wins".
How many times do we get so caught up in life that we forget to do this? It may be only Monday...but you finished your "to do" list. Celebrate! Instead of worrying about the rest of the day, let that momentum carry you after you take a moment for yourself. So you don't have a job yet, but you just finished your degree. CELEBRATE! You worked hard to get where you are at. Let yourself relax and that phone might ring, after all. Or you might discover a brand new opportunity while you're out living your best life : )