When you're too damn lazy to create the life of your dreams...

When you're too damn lazy to create the life of your dreams...

The sad fact of the matter is that most people are just too damn lazy to create the life of their dreams. ??

Yep, there – I said it. They're satisfied to settle for what they've got (even though it's not what their younger self dreamed of). They're happy to write off their aspirations (even though a little bit of their soul dies when they do so). They're happy to stay in their comfort zone, almost as if to be uncomfortable would be the WORST THING EVER (even though they sense that pushing the boundary of their comfort zone is exactly what would give them the spark of aliveness they desperately crave).

Why is this, you may ask?

Well, it takes WORK to create the life of your dreams.

It takes imagination.

It takes intention.

It takes practice.

It takes courage.

It takes discipline.

It takes shedding old layers.

It takes claiming of new identities.

It takes installing new habits.

It takes being uncomfortable.

It takes being in new environments.

It takes facing fears.

It takes taking new actions.

It takes original thought.

It takes EFFORT.

And with all of that comes the things that we've been taught to fear (or learned is bad or scary). Things like uncertainty, being judged, losing control, surrendering, trusting in something we can't see, losing people in our life and the like.

And so you pick the "easy" path instead. It's easier to not bother. It's easier to settle. It's easier to stay in your comfort zone. It's easier to pretend that your life is fine and you're living the dream (when you KNOW that you're not). It's easier to lie and tell people that you're "fine, great thanks! busy and happy!" but even as you say it, you know that you're lying and worse yet, you know that THEY know you're lying. They can tell by your eyes. You no longer have the spark in them that used to be there. When you were excited about all the possibilities that lay in front of you

What happened to dash them out? What events or life situations occurred to make you believe that you can't have the life of your dreams? Maybe you had a bad run of luck... lost a job or two or had a few failed relationships.

Maybe you became jaded and cynical about life and realised that all your romantic teenage dreams about what it COULD be were nothing but a pipe-dream. You've crossed them out in your heart, ruling them as dreams only, fantasies that live in your mind but not in the physical.

But what if they weren't?

What if every fantastical, romantic, dreamlike vision you've had for your life IS a possibility for you? I know it's hard to let yourself believe that, because if you really truly felt how great it would be, it would be devastating then if it didn't happen. It's safer to not dream at all, right?

This is where so many get it wrong!

It's in your heart and mind for a reason! You're being shown an alternate reality that IS available. Not just in fairyland but in real life.

Like I said above, it takes WORK to bring it to fruition. It takes something. It definitely does. But isn't it worth TRYING, at least?

Wouldn't you rather give yourself permission to dream and imagine, without fear that it won't come to fruition? Wouldn't you rather do that, than live a boring, dull life that you're simply "seeing out", as opposed to thriving in?

What if imagining how it truly COULD be, is the first step to seeing it in real life? (Cos it is).

What would you imagine?

What would you see?

What would you create in your future?

A loving relationship? A hot body? Financial abundance? A meaningful and fulfilling life? Contribution to causes that matter to you?

Start dreaming!

Give yourself permission to play with alternate realities.

See what you can dream up.

Treat it like a game.

Start by saying: Wouldn't it be nice if... [fill in the blank]

And then REPEAT, over and over again and see what comes out.

You might be surprised at how quickly and easily you elevate your own mood and get excited about the alternate realities you can dream up.

This is the first step of consciously creating a new reality. The reality that you always dreamed of. The life that was always meant to be yours and is ripe for the taking

I know you're not really "lazy". You're just scared. That's ok — it makes sense.

But it doesn't make sense to live your whole life there.

Face your fears head-on and start DREAMING BIG!

The life you were always meant to live is waiting for you.

Remember —

Having the life you want IS possible.

It's up to YOU.

Em xx ??

Ps. On a completely unrelated note, I shared a little model on my podcast the other day about "What to do when you feel activated by something", check it out now! ??


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