When your purpose is the rubber that hits the road
Stanislav Roth
Managing Director of Source Legal & Workplace - Australia's leader in in-house style legal and workplace services | Founder of Source | Passionate advocate of value-based pricing
There’s a lot of talk about purpose in businesses. While I know in my own heart what Source’s purpose is, I’ve struggled to articulate it in a few words. But I wanted to share a few thoughts on how our purpose has meant the difference for lots of people over the recent months, which have been traumatic in so many ways.
It’s been incredibly disheartening to see so many organisations that have had to make radical changes that were unthinkable at the start of the year. Despite the pain, it’s been our honour to have supported a large number of business across many different industries during this difficult time, as they’ve grappled with extraordinary changes to their operations and workforce.
During the last couple of months, we’ve provided urgent and clear advice to business owners and leaders as they’ve struggled with the enormity of the COVID-19 impact on their workforce. Where reducing employee hours, moving to JobKeeper payments or standing employees down was suddenly normal. The situation wasn’t of their creating, but they needed to understand their options and act with compassion, lawfulness and decisiveness to ensure survival.
We’ve answered hundreds, possibly thousands, of questions as uncertainty swirled and businesses needed to know where they stood. All of a sudden, long-established supply chains crumbled, contracts no longer could be complied with, expensive offices were deserted and workers could no longer go to work. We stood by our clients in disbelief and helped them make some sense of it and help them to survive.
We’ve created and continuously expanded many practical guides and templates that we gave away for free to anyone. I’ve included a few of the many feedback thanks we’ve received to illustrate how we’ve made a difference.
Which gets me back to our purpose. It might not be sexy, but our purpose is simply to be there for our clients in times good and bad and provide timely, practical and reliable advice.