When Your Purpose Drives You

When Your Purpose Drives You

Ever since I was a teenager I have been told countless times by motivational speakers, preachers and my family to find my purpose in life if I wanted to live a meaningful life. Unfortunately it was until I came across the book Ikigai- The Japanese Secret to A Long and Happy Life that my whole perspective of this topic changed. It is my second read of 2021 and I must admit that if the books that I have read so far is anything to go by then this year is definitely off to a great start. Now, because I would love to grow with you here are some key lessons that I have learned from the book.

1.Your Ikigai is Your Reason For Living.

This is that deep-seated desire that you have to leave an impact in this world. It is connected to other human beings and ways in which you can be of service to them. Your ikigai is about other people and how you can make the world a better place by changing one life at a time. It is time we stop complicating this whole aspect about purpose as it is simply the reason why we are on earth- Service to God & Service to Humanity.

2. Nothing Like Early Retirement!

For a long time there has been a notion that if you really want to know whether you have achieved the heights of success is when you retire early. This was a shock to me as I have also believed this over the years. However human beings are made for work, it should never be seen as a punishment but God's gift to us. Heck even God rested on the 7th day after a week full of work. According to the book, a village called Okinawa in Japan which has the highest number of Centenarians( over 110 years old) boasts of people who are still very active with their work even after they retire.

The truth is that when you get past the recommended age of retirement it is prudent to find a hobby. learn an instrument, do charity work or whatever it is that will occupy your mind and enable you to keep active all day long. Refuse to just sit and do nothing because that will be the start of many health problems.

3. Learn To Take It Slow!

Unfortunately in the fast paced world that we are living in this is like a rumor. The world is a rat race of human beings being in constant pursuit of the next big thing. Ikigai is a good reminder to us all to every so often take a chill pill and just rest. Rest is an important factor if we are all going to enjoy a good & long life. It is time to say goodbye to the notion that being overworked and ever busy is an indication that you are productive.

4. Human Beings Are Communal Beings

Human beings are made for each other hence the wisemen once said that no man is an island. In Okinawa people lived a communal life, celebrating milestones together, being there for each other during difficult times and just doing life together. It is evident that whenever someone feels loved and appreciated, you become comfortable and lead a more quality life.

5. Enjoy The Little Things

Forget about complicating everything, life is really about the little things that make the whole difference. Experiencing that beautiful sunset, enjoying a meal with family, a night out with friends, reading an interesting book, watching a movie etc. It is all in the detail, we have the chance to make the most of our lives so always be intentional about it.

6. You Are What You Eat

The Japanese have a culture of eating small portions naturally and they always ensure that they are only 80% full after every meal. The goal is never to eat to a point where you can not eat any more but only to that point where you feel like you are almost full. Ensure that your diet is rich in antioxidants so that they can be able to fight and eliminate the free radicals in your body that are caused by harmful substances such as radiation.

7. Find Flow In Everything

This starts with developing habits that are positive. Good habits will make it easier for you to achieve your targets and goals in life. In a nutshell, you are the sum of the things that you constantly do. As a result, you should be very intentional about cultivating habits that will ensure that you are a highly effective person in the society.

8. Be Active!

Ensure that your body does not become a couch potato. Your metabolism is higher when you are moving, find ways to break the monotony of sitting down too much whether you are at the office or at home. You can use the 30, 5 interval which means you work for 30 minutes and rest for 5 before continuing with work.

I could write even more about this book but I would love for you to grab yourself a copy and get all the juice at your disposal. Overall this book is definitely a 9/10 for you and I highly recommend it. Now on to the next one, you can be sure that I got you when it comes to the reviews!

Cheers to Developing a Reading Culture in the African Society!


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