When your numbers look the same from last year…
Jonny Hopkinson
I 100% fund & manage 6-figure cash windfall campaigns for Experts, Coaches & Course Creators (& only get paid AFTER money hits their Stripe account.)
You know the feeling…
When you look over the numbers and there’s been very little growth (if any at all) over the last year or two.
It’s frustrating as hell because…
You know more about training, business, marketing and sales than you did two years ago…
You’re waking up earlier and grinding later into the evenings than you did before…
…and yet, the money in your bank account doesn’t reflect it.
I totally get it.
I’ve been there before multiple times where I hit plateaus.
Your “Busy-ness” and stress levels grow, but the bank account doesn’t
Here’s what I’ve come to realize in my time over the last 4 years working closely with fitpro’s to launch high-ticket programs.
The reason you’ve hit a wall is not a funnel problem…
It’s not a sales problem…
It’s not a problem with your team…
It’s not “just how business is sometimes”…
The REAL REASON is a concept I wish I would’ve learned a long time ago.
It would’ve saved me at least 80 grand and a whole lot of wasted time and energy stressing and being away from my daughter.
But I have a feeling, even if someone would’ve shared this with me, I wouldn’t have listened because the concept is not sexy.
And a as a young entrepreneur “amateur” – I thought “sexy” was always better.
Moral of the story here…don’t be like me ??
The #1 reason fitpro’s get stuck right around the 6-figure mark and can barely budge beyond it, is this…
Einstein said it best…
“We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them”
In other words,
“You can’t build a $500,000 business using the same skills and mindset you used to build a $75,000 business.”
It’s the most simple and powerful concept you can ever grasp that will have the most impact on the amount of money you make per month.
This is why tactics are pointless without principles.
Everyone looks for tactics to grow and expand.
It’s hard not to when every swipe of the thumb you get hit with a sexy looking shiny-object that promises to add 6 figures to your gym in 60 days.
To be fair,
I actually get my client these results and far better too…and i’m not shy about marketing those results.
I don’t claim it’s because of a secret funnel or piece of software.
Those are just tactics.
I teach principles to support the tactics which lead to sustainable growth.
Tactics are like diets.
They all work to a certain extent and can get you some results here and there, but long term they don’t sustain your improvements over time.
As someone in the fitness industry how frustrating are the people who just hop from one diet and program to the next?
Let’s call them “Nancy’s”
It’s like they’re constantly in a state of “trying to get in shape” – but they never actually get there.
Every year they believe “this is the year I actually get in shape for the beach”…only to not get in shape for the beach.
They may “know” a lot…they may be putting in a lot of work looking for shortcuts and quickfixes…but at the end of the day they just waste their time doing a bunch of shit with little to nothing in terms of long-lasting results.
On the other hand,
You have your dream clients and people who are in great shape.
Let’s call them Katie’s
They show up, they follow through, they work hard, they follow the system etc
What’s the biggest difference between Katie’s and Nancy’s?
You can’t get long-term sustainable results with a quick-fix mindset that’s always looking for new tactics.
Nancy looks at her body like it’s something that annoys her and she wants to get out of, where as, Katie looks at hers like a vehicle to allow her to experience life the way she wants.
I’ll have you consider your business is no different.
The mindset and skillsets you have at this very moment is not going to cut it if you want to grow beyond this stage of your biz.
It doesn’t matter how busy you are or how good you are at training people.
If you don’t shift the way you look at your business and develop new skills to implement new principles that can expand and grow your business.
You better get comfortable, because you’ll be staying right where you’re at for a long time.
Like everything,
It’s a choice.
Keep acting like Nancy and look for quick-fixes and shortcuts
Or like Katie and leverage your business like a vehicle that delivers sustainable growth and provides you with freedom to be the entrepreneur, the parent, and person you want.