When you take the plunge for the first time!

When you take the plunge for the first time!

Ha! It feels cold... definitely wet... a feeling of numbness taking over. It is very clear that there is no ground underneath that will help me to prop up to the surface again. The weight of my body dragging me into the depths...

Why did I have to jump into the water? That moment was so impulsive... filled with euphoria of doing something that I have never done before... to the brink of recklessness to find new passions with a wish of living different... I start to think if it was worth it?

And then it slows down... There was something that was acting against my weight... like a headwind allowing me to slow down.... the buyoncy giving strength to activate my senses again. I start to move my legs and gradually feel the thrust to move upwards. The air was running out and the urgency to see the surface creep in. I see the translucent light... As I break the surface, I am gasping, taking in huge volumes of air... choking and spitting water that I had consumed instead. At the same time I was afloat and start to experience multiple emotions... relieved, pumped, hopeful and the need to take the plunge again.

All this in a matter of seconds... 

Is entrepreneurship anything different? Yes it is! Imagine this happening over 2 years... the rush could be so much more... Life could be so adventurous...

/Ashwin Shastry


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