Dont be a small pawn in a global Monopoly game
I’m writing this down to my friends around the world to better explain why I keep saying that the war in Gaza concerns the entire democratic world.
This article is long, but the wildest James Bond movie script is not even close to what I’m about to share here. I used a few sources but mostly based on @shaieden post in Hebrew.
I know it is hard NOT to think about the disgusting terror organization that slaughtered 1400 people, raped them, burned them, beheaded babies, took 229 civilians as hostages, and used Gaza civilians as a human shield. ?But I'm writing here about a plan that concerns every person who considers himself part of Western society.
The reason for the timing and size of the latest Hamas-ISIS event lies in the saga of the Cold War, which is heating up again. And yes, it is all about money and power in a worldwide monopoly game.
Facts: According to foreign reports, about 500 militants from Hamas and Islamic Jihad participated in exercises in September, led by officers of the Quds Force, the foreign operations arm of Iran's Revolutionary Guards, General Ismail Kaani, commander of the Quds Force who participated in the training himself. Intelligence sources in the world claim that Iran initiated the attack.
The Wall Street Journal, quoting senior Hamas and Hezbollah officials, reports that the decision was made at a meeting in Beirut on October 2 in the presence of their leaders. An adviser to the Syrian government and a European official gave the same account of Iran's involvement.
So this is Iran. Why Iran???
Despite their monstrous hatred and desire to eliminate Israel, the Iranian leadership is generally very thoughtful. Even when they choose to use direct force, they do so with strategy. After all, they knew that after such a horror and brutal attack on civilians, Israel would lose it (like any other country), pursue senior Hamas officials, and attempt to crush the Hamas-ISIS. So what went through the minds of the Iranian leaders? Why did they send Hamas- ISIS?
The answer is that's exactly what Iran wanted. Disaster in Gaza, because of Money, a lot of money and power.
it is clear that the Hamas agenda is close to the ISIS agenda, both terrorist organizations share a global expansionist worldview that aspires to establish a caliphate: a Muslim regime ruled by Sharia (religious Muslim laws). Both organizations are extensions of global movements of radical Islam: Hamas is an extension of the Muslim Brotherhood while ISIS is an offshoot of al-Qaeda.
Hamas-ISIS share the same 'values': the centrality of the use of violence, no Human rights, and the oppression of minorities and women. intentions to commit genocide and mass war crimes.
Through its sender, Iran, Hamas-ISIS killed over fourteen hundred of my brothers and sisters, kidnapped our children and mothers, and did such horrible acts. On the other hand, to those who know the twists and turns of the Cold War - this is not surprising.
?It's always power and it's always money. But this time it's much bigger. No, not the millions that Qatar transferred to Hamas-ISIS, not even the money that America pays to the countries of the region. Much more than that- this time it's the biggest money war we've ever known.
Cold War is warming up
The biggest money remains in energy. oil and gas. Just recently Russia announced that Hamas-ISIS is not a terrorist organization. Isn't that weird? Why would Russia say such a thing? Russia, who suffers so much from terror? What does Russia have to do with the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians anyway? Does Russia gain anything from our conflict?
Now, I can't state that Russia did this, I have no idea. But I am sure of one thing, and you will immediately understand how simple this math is: the biggest beneficiary of this war is Russia.
"Gazprom" is the largest energy company in the world, and is owned by the Russian government. This is the most invested project in global energy ever, Putin's baby, which was built over the last two decades, almost under the radar. Russia has created a huge pipeline infrastructure from its territory to half the world, especially Europe. Yes, to the west.
In just a few years, Russia has reached a tremendous level of control over Europe's energy, and the achievement is sometimes unimaginable. Until the Ukraine war, Russia sold about 50% of all gas in Europe and was the main supplier. A ridiculous figure by all accounts. You have to understand, in Europe gas is not just electricity, gas is a survival product with which the houses are heated on frozen snow days, thanks to which there is hot water in the tap. Gas is life.
Those who benefit greatly from this cooperation with Russia are China from the east and Iran.
Just last July, Iran signed a gas agreement with Russia in the amount of 40 billion dollars, which joins much other business that exists between the two. Iran sits on the second largest gas reserves in the world, after Russia, and it needs to sell it to someone. So with the help of Putin's pipelines, Iran is selling gas to... the West. Weird, right?
Sanctions on Iran? Not when you have Russia in the mix.
One of Russia's pipelines goes directly from Russian territory to Europe, through Ukraine and it was called " Druzhba" which means "friendship" in Russian, let's discuss this "friendship" pipeline.
This pipeline transports a huge amount of gas which is estimated at 40 billion cubic meters of gas per year. Last year, Russia brought in an astronomical amount of 138 billion dollars just from gas exports and another 218 billion dollars from oil exports, and this is despite sanctions imposed on it following the Ukraine war.
?Still, Russia makes a lot of money selling Gas to Europe.
?Putin's pipeline is no longer an economic project - it is a colonialist infrastructure project of power and strength. This pipeline turned Russia into a serious monopoly player. Putin built the most ingenious project: the main gas supplier of Europe. It is also the main gas supplier to the rest of the world. It is the largest gas supplier in the world. But he has a special fondness for the European pipeline, for a simple reason - he holds the West by the balls.
This project was built at record speed over the last 20 years, when the "Nordic Stream" pipeline was built in a year and a half, in partnership with European countries, God knows what they were thinking.
This happened when America was busy with its Gulf wars, in Afghanistan and Iraq, post 09/11. You can say that America fell asleep on guard, and Putin took Europe.
So America, waking up late to this Monopoly game, belatedly looked for a way to regain lost control.
America feared that Russia would use this power against the West.
And this fear was verified in the Ukraine war when Russia closed the gateway to the West, as an ultimatum for the West's support in Ukraine, and in addition one of the pipelines leading from Russia to Germany was hijacked by a ‘mysterious’ terrorist act.
Then the "friendship" pipe project became a little less friendly when gas prices rose in Europe, to the point that many families lived in the cold because they preferred not to buy expensive gas. Gas and oil in the world jumped by 700%. ?Europe entered existential anxiety and countries such as India found themselves on the brink of crisis. There is no doubt that this step by Russia prevented an attack by the West on it in the Ukraine war.
Because how can you attack the one who sells you gas?
America realized that it had to respond to this situation. So US came up with a particularly creative solution. If Putin comes to Europe through the north - the US will outsmart him and bypass him - from the south.
America's super-ambitious economic project has been given a very friendly name. They called it: "The Abraham Accords"
***Spoiler alert** It is not just about peace
The vision was to produce a territorial sequence of normalized relations that begins in India, through the Emirates, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Israel, and from there to Greece, Cyprus, and Europe. If Russia comes from the north - America wants to crush it from the south.
This is the Russian-Iranian-Chinese front against the Western-Sunni-Israeli front.
Game of Thrones, 21st century style.
There is one piece left missing in this puzzle - Saudi Arabia and Israel do not have official relations.
Saudi Arabia is one of the gas suppliers particularly affected by Putin's pipeline project, so peace is easy. Everyone will benefit - Sunni Saudi Arabia will sell oil and gas to the West and bypass the hated Shi’ite Iran, which supplies oil and gas to Russia's pipeline in the north. America came up with a strategy that bypasses Putin and bypasses Iran - an oil and gas route from its Sunni Arab friends in the southern Gulf that will compete with Russia and the Shi’ite in the north.
ALMOST WORKED. During the summer of this year, everything gained momentum when Biden and Netanyahu started talking about a historic peace between Israel and Saudi Arabia. Then on September 9, during the G20 conference, Biden announced his super plan: the "Peace Train". Not just a train, not just peace - "This is a game-changing regional investment", Biden's words.
It is about a fast and advanced train that will transport goods between the countries of the Peace Axis of the Abraham Accords, from India to Europe. A wonderful vision. But this plan had another part, you guessed it right... gas transportation.
September 9th this year, Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, gave a great speech (see here) where she specifically said the words: "a pipeline of clean gas", she tried not to emphasize it too much, but it was clear what this is about. It must be said that "clean gas" are washed-up word in ecology, the simple meaning is "a gas pipeline that will compete with Putin's pipeline".
Biden will have a bigger pipeline.
?At the G20 conference, the Saudi crown prince announced that his country would invest about 20 billion dollars in the project - even before the peace agreement with Israel was signed.
Meaning, that peace is a done deal. What else can interfere?
America gave Putin the finger, in chess it is called – check.
It is clear to everyone that such a pipeline is a disaster for Russia. And if it is a disaster for Russia, it is also a disaster for Iran, because it strengthens its hatred of the Sunnis from the south, and connects them to its hatred of Zionists from the west, it takes Russia's most valuable monopoly card.
For Iran, an alliance between Sunni Saudi Arabia and Israel is a disaster. This connects Saudi Arabia to the military power of Israel, and Israel to the economic power of Saudi Arabia. And that puts Saudi Arabia and Israel as major players in the global energy market.
So how do you torpedo the Peace Train pipeline?
One guess ... NO PEACE. Place - Gaza
A few days later, the Hamas-ISIS were already training in Iran, and 3 weeks after the announcement, the meeting with Hezbollah and Hamas took place and the operation to thwart peace was launched. Everything happens during September, the Jewish holidays.
On October 3, four days before the attack, Khamenei was quoted criticizing Saudi Arabia for the peace plan, and he concludes his words with a firm sentence: it will not happen.
Now, Iran picked Hamas-ISIS for a reason. Hamas-ISIS is Sunni, like most Saudi Arabian citizens, and they are loved by the public in Saudi Arabia. We sometimes mistakenly think this is related to a religion or human rights agenda, but in the end, this is an ambitious colonialist game, 18th-century style.
For Hamas-ISIS, striking Israel is the ultimate goal, to release prisoners, and to give a sense of victory. Iran, Doesn't care about this small Sunni organization that took over Gaza. The opposite, Shi’ite hate Sunnis. It's DNA-level hatred.
Iran could have chosen Hezbollah to attack Israel from the north to start a war and it might have been an even greater success. But Hezbollah is a real child of Iran, a Shi’ite religious organization, which Iran is obliged to protect. But Hamas-ISIS is disposable and can be sacrificed on the altar of the gas project.
But to torpedo such a significant peace agreement, it is not enough for some small attack on Israel to offroad Biden's train. Iran needed something substantial, big, that would resonate throughout the Arab world until Saudi Arabia can no longer even think about such a peace.
You need something that will last for years. Israel needs to go crazy because of it, so angry that even Biden will not be able to stop it. they needed an unforgettable mega-attack. a war.
And that's how this disgusting inhuman event that happened in the south of Israel got started. Not in the name of the Shi’ite religious war in the Zionist occupation, not #freepalestine but in the name of money. a gas war.
Possible outcome: flushing peace down the toilet. The Russian-Iran project wins.
But a surprise. Saudi Arabia is in no hurry to call off the peace agreement, and until Saudi Arabia declares that the peace agreement is off, the goal has not been achieved.
Note that the Saudis are quite silent, trying to keep a door open for peace with Israel and the huge project that is so important to them. We will likely see attempts by Russia and Iran to increase the volume of the war.
Long I know, read the facts and question my thought process and information, but please do so with an open mind.
I hope this article provides a deeper perspective in a shallow, one-dimensional cynical social app world.
It is not about human rights, religious wars, Gaza, or Palestinians, it is the next step of the Cold War, and Israel was caught in the middle of it.
Don't be a pawn in a global monopoly game. don't play into the hands of cynical forces, trying to influence your mind with incorrect data.
if you consider yourself part of a Western, democratic society, help the democratic world win, the alternative is really bad.
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