When you see number "9"? in dreams

When you see number "9" in dreams

It’s probably a cognitive bias. Your mind filters the information that comes in from the senses and keeps the relevant parts. That’s why you notice immediately when the traffic light is red but don’t notice color of jacket of the man standing next to that light. Our mind tends to filter the information according to what is important to us. People who broke their leg start paying attention to how people walk. They see people with a limp everywhere. Pregnant women can’t help but noticing pregnant women in a subway, even if there are more men and non-pregnant women in that subway.

You probably have something with the number 9, a birthday, the number of your first home, your jersey number in your sports team, whatever. Suddenly you see number 9 everywhere. Number 9 suggests that you are a natural lightworker and encourages you to look to ways to serve others in positively uplifting ways. Number 9 may be indicating that it is time to end a phase, situation or relationship that is no longer serving you in a positive way. Rest assured that ‘new’ will enter your life that will enhance and benefit your life and lifestyle in many ways. Prepare yourself today as there is much work for you to do.

When any particular number comes again and again in your life by virtue of devine source you can say that it's angle number for you. The number can come in your life through many ways like through your birth dates, your marriage date, mobile number, or any other sources. Only you can know it, sometimes it surprise you through its presence in some forms. It's way of God to tell you something. It's a massage from devine about your life purpose. If you are getting number nine in your life through many ways time to time ,it means devine source want to convey the massage that your life purpose represents.

Nine represents nine planets,9th house represents God, Guru, Jupiter, it represents knowledge, wisdom, teaching, preaching, Dharma, meditation, etc. God wants to tell you these all are your purpose of life and I am sure you also have inclination towards all these. Spiritual people do get some indications I don't know how spiritual you are ? It is said that 9 number is related with Ketu which means definite end of something. Only spiritual people can change this end to rebirth. And for this they will have to add 1 to this number where 1 denotes birth. Further 9 + 1 = 10 = 1 = Birth or rebirth. Sincere and regular chant of “OM” can add 1 to any number. After this 9 number will denote end of an old / long existing problem.

What does 9 mean? Angel Number 9 represents the ideas of humanitarianism, enlightenment, and compassion. If you see this number before you, it is because your guardian angels are attempting to draw your attention to the humanitarian realm. It can mean many things, and of course, the message will vary depending on your situation. Angel numbers are means by which angels communicate with us. Angels are divine creatures. They cannot communicate to us directly hence the use of Angel numbers. There are instances where small digits that add up to a certain angel number appear to us. Angel numbers can appear to you in different ways including business transactions, while watching your favorite channel, on the highway or the expressway, on your watch and even sometimes through the receipts that you get after buying a commodity.

At times you get a weird feeling of waking up at either 3:42 or 4:23 or 2:34 in the middle of the night. All this time you wake up, and while reading the watch, you find that it is the same time. When added together these digits all total the number 9. This goes to show that your guardian angel is trying to pass a message to you using angel number 9. All the time you see this number, you should not ignore it since it means that it is time to align yourself with the which is divine. Take control of your life and steer it on the right path. Cheers!

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