When you regard life as a challenge, obstacles become enticing

When you regard life as a challenge, obstacles become enticing

It is funny how, even though my grandmother never had a job, she can still be an important reference to me when it comes to dealing with professional challenges.

First of all, from what I can remember, she was always a very positive person. And she had this comical habit of releasing a laugh even when there was nothing to laugh about. I assumed it was her own funny little way of reminding herself that it was important to remain cheerful, all the time.

Then, she was fearless. Even at an advanced age, she used to travel alone, with very little money, trusting the universe and people in general for the trip to go smoothly, because she didn't usually plan things completely, with regards to where she was going to stay at night, what route she would take and how long the trip would last. She was not afraid of the unexpected. On the contrary, she was a fan of adventure and novelty.

Finally, she was extremely resourceful. Instead of panicking when things went wrong, she always smiled and searched for a solution with confidence, optimism, and a great deal of imagination. And because she was such a lovely lady, people appreciated her candor and empathized with her. She always got help, when in need.

I am not exactly like my grandmother in many aspects. I think I am more organized, more afraid of mishaps, less confident that setbacks won't ruin my plans. But I think I inherited her candid way of dealing with things, her optimistic resourcefulness and her proud tendency to avoid being predictable and dull.

In my professional, as well as in my personal life, I like to think that I am similar to her, in that I regard life as a challenge and look at each obstacle as a call to bring out the best in me.


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