When You Reframe This Feeling, You Will Be Better Equipped To Conquer Your Goals

When You Reframe This Feeling, You Will Be Better Equipped To Conquer Your Goals


  • When thinking about your goals, consider the acronym RWID: Relative Weight of Importance and Duration.
  • Ask yourself, “Are the weight of my thoughts bending towards my losses? How much importance do I place on them?”
  • You are less likely to take action if you’re always thinking about what you can lose. You HAVE to start telling yourself a different story. Focus on what you can GAIN, not what you might lose.
  • For example, if you’re worrying about losing money and failing, change it to: What if I make MORE money and have a better life than I imagined?
  • When making your decisions, think about gaining fulfillment from doing something you deeply care about. Tell yourself that new story and new frame. You will BECOME a new person.
  • Fears should always be contextualized towards your goals. Every fear can have a place when it is USEFUL on the path to your goals.


