When You Are Pregnant With Purpose... You've Got To P.U.S.H. (Persevere Until Shift Happens)
Shelley Roxanne
Media Producer; Award Winning TV Show Host |Network Executive | #1 Best Selling Author | named National Woman of Influence | Queen of Optimism
Written by Shelley Roxanne - #1 Best Selling Author of "The Frustrated Believer"
Embedded within each season is a demand for change. Anyone who has lived any length of time knows that change is the only constant in life. When the seasons change we must make a shift in our thinking. When winter is approaching, we must shift. When summer arrives, we must shift yet again. The reality is, adaptability to change is critical to our success on this journey called life. However, making the shift is not always easy, it often requires perseverance. Inevitably you will at some point have to P.U.S.H. No one can really help you P.U.S.H. This is a process you must grow through by yourself. But I guarantee, it is well worth it in the end.
Know that the Power Lies Within
Along my journey to discovering my own power and purpose, I looked everywhere for them. I attended classes, seminars, workshops, church, I even went to a psychic. I wanted someone - the pastor, the teacher, the guru, the psychic, someone - to tell me The Secret. Where do I find my power and purpose? Have you seem them? What do I do now? All of that searching can be frustrating. But I still believed. I never gave up the faith. I was fully persuaded that there was more to this life, I just had to find it. Eventually I learned that the primary reason for the frustration among those who are believers is that we are looking for answers to the questions of life outside of ourselves.
I will tell you right now, the answers are not outside of you, they are all contained within. As the Good Witch Glinda told Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, “You had the power all along, my dear”. Blaming the President, your mother, your father, your children, your husband, your wife, your ex, your boss, your employees, your co-workers or even God for the problems and challenges you experience in your own life is misplaced — and eventually this causes extreme frustration and despair.
And when prolonged frustration exists, you eventually lose your peace, and when you lose your peace, your health is not far behind. Dis-ease inevitably sets in. But, don’t fret, being frustrated is not a bad sign; it’s actually a great sign. It means that you are alive. It let’s you know that it is time for a shift. You are finally sick and tired of being sick and tired. Contentment with things that are less than you desire them to be is no longer an option. You finally recognize that are destined for greatness, and if you’re not experiencing greatness, your spirit will not be content. The frustration we experience as believers is simply a sign to us that there is more for us, something better for us, greater joy awaiting us.
But first, we must awaken our spiritual natures. The power, all the power, lies within. By misdirecting our own power, we are the ones who create the obstacles and problems for ourselves. I’ve got news for you; if you’re continually having issues in your life... “iss-u”. The fact is, nobody puts Baby in a corner. Only Baby can put herself there. But here’s the good news, if you’re in a state of crisis, or in pain, you are likely pregnant. That’s right, congratulations my dear, you are pregnant with purpose. There’s purpose in your pain.
You are a creator and have given life to everything that you are experiencing. You are the “mother” of all things. You nurture it and you feed it. But is it really what you want? That is the question. There is nothing good or bad about what you are experiencing. It's simply your perception that makes it so. But, if you want something to be different, you have the power right now, within you, to make that change. But you must awaken and recognize the God within you. I promise that if you, like Mary, bring forth and give birth to what is within you, what is within you will save you, heal you and restore you.
Birthing Our Blessings
The process of giving birth to your blessing - in the spiritual sense, is identical to the actual delivery of a baby - in the natural sense. As you get closer and closer to actually giving birth to your blessing or a higher expression of yourself - the God within — the contractions, aka pain, becomes more intense and more frequent. In these instances, the contractions often come in the form of conflict, fear and or worry. You can go through years of mundane quietness and then all of a sudden it rains. And as the saying goes, when it rains it pours. Maybe you lost your job, and then your car breaks down, your rent is past due, your child needs braces, you find that you have more month than money and suddenly your spouse/partner abandons you. Then, if that’s not enough, one of your parents gets ill and requires your full-time care and attention. Guess what, my friend, you’re in labor. It’s time to P.U.S.H. At this point it is critical that you keep breathing, just as they teach in the Lamaze technique. Push a little, then breath a little, and you’ll successfully get through the delivery, only to find the most beautiful blessing on the other side of the pain.
You Can Do This... Just P.U.S.H.
I’ve been in an actual delivery room three different times throughout my life. Each of those times, I can remember thinking, if I could just get up out of this bed and tell all these people to leave this hospital room because I’ve changed my mind, I would have. But I couldn’t. Getting out of that “labor” was not an option, so I had to keep going. There was no way out of that room, except to complete the delivery process. I had to P.U.S.H.
For some reason, all three of my deliveries, with my sons, had to be induced. A laboring woman normally produces natural oxytocin which brings on the contractions naturally, but it is sometimes necessary to augment or speed up the labor process by inducing labor. Induced contractions will often be more forceful, last much longer, and come closer together. So, as if the normal process of delivery was not challenging enough, imagine intensifying it with an amplifier that simply turns the dial up several notches, increasing the pain’s intensity, speed, and longevity.
When I was in labor with my first son Evan, I was young and had no idea how the process worked. He was in an occipito-posterior position, which is a fancy way of saying the back of his head was down, and he was facing up — looking towards heaven perhaps. This meant that the back of his skull was pressing against the back of my pelvis. Due to his positioning, the pain, for me - not him, was severe and was just intensified by the fact that they had to induce the labor. Here I was, a first time Mom without a clue and without a choice. I had to go — and grow — through that experience. At one point, the nurse, when I asked her what we could do to relieve the pain, told me, ”There is nothing you can do. That’s why they call it labor, honey.” Let’s just say I didn’t like her very much at that moment.
But this was the same nurse who refused to let them give me a cesarean when the doctor had run out of patience and thought I was unable to deliver the baby naturally on my own. That same seemingly mean nurse whispered in my ear, as they had already called the anesthesiologist and prepped me for surgery, and she told me, ”Sweetheart, you can do this. Just get mad enough and push this baby out.” With the encouragement of that midwife, I did just that. I pushed, and out came my miracle. And boy, was he a blessing. He still is. I was re-born on that day in June of 1988. I not only gave birth to my brilliant, beautiful son, I gave birth to myself.
Since then, I have made it my life’s work to serve as a ”midwife” for others. I have assisted and witnessed people giving birth to their own miracles, be it a career change, buying and saving their dream home, starting a new business, or finding and marrying the love of their life. I’ve held their hand, rubbed their backs, prayed with them, and even cried with them. But all the while, I’d be there whispering in their ear. And when it looked like it couldn’t get done, I’d say, ”Sweetheart, you can do this... just P.U.S.H.”
Shelley Roxanne is a #1 Best Selling Author of The Frustrated Believer - What to do when you don’t know what to do. She is the reigning Queen of Optimism, the creator of the Nega-holic’sDiet and the founder of Optimistic U. You can learn more about her at ShelleyRoxanne.com and can follow her on Instagram @sherox50, Twitter @sheroxTV and Facebook.com/ShelleyRoxanne. Copyright Shelley Roxanne 2017
CeoJeff.com | Entrepreneur | Business Strategist | Solar Consultant | Increase Sales & Revenue | Bitcoin Investor
7 年Great article. P.U.S.H. = Persevere Until Shift Happen. Awesome advice!