When Are You Old? 21K Days as of 2021, 9K to Go? - Future of Telepresence
Doug Hohulin
To Save 1 Billion Lives with AI, Exponential Blueprint Consulting LLC, President/Founder, When the AI System Has to Be Right: Healthcare, AV, Policy, Energy. Co-Author of 2030: A Blueprint for Humanity's Exponential Leap
I have lived 21,076 days on this planet as of Jan 2, 2021.?I like the number 21.?
According to the government (who knows all and sees all), I will die in 24.9 years when I am 82.6 years old.?10 years more than my Dad but 16 less than my Grandfather.
So if I am average, I will have 9,052 more days on this planet - but the range (error bars) is high: -9,052 days to >+10,000 days
I was talking to my favorite author and we discussed when you are old and the risk of dying.
According to the government:
Actually, you are old when you cannot mentally or physically do the things you want to do.??Statistically, I may only have ~6,000 good days left before I am old.
I believe that you are old when you no longer do anything new with your life. So matter what the limitations, you can always find something new to do.
Author’s note, because of the 2020 lock-down, I played a lot more tennis this year and got a lot better.?My 57 year old "me" could beat my younger "me’s" in tennis.?Sometimes wisdom and skill trumps youth. 4 years earlier, I had back issues and Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis) and it was very difficult to play tennis. I am grateful that I have recovered mostly from these issues, but one day I will not be able to recover and play tennis or other things I want to do but I do hope I can find something new to do each day.
None of us can be the same person twice, for with time, health, experiences and a meandering world, we are not the same – sometimes for the better but with age usually for the worst.?We need to just keep going as long as we can be here, to be as “full of rhythm and flow that magnifies life” as possible whatever our circumstance may be – “to spark across the gap.”
What will I do with these days I have left? – especially the good day??Professionally, I am most interested in Smart City, Smart Transportation AV/CV, AV Public Policy, 5G/6G, TelePresence AR/VR, AI, Energy, Digital Health & IoT projects.?I am also interested in in being a mentor and helping youth to be the best they can be.?Not lose their humanity as they engage with technology.?To leverage intelligence augmentation to help them in the world ahead. See the blog: Are You Smarter than your Grandparents? Intelligence X - Intelligence Augmentation IA- Collaborated https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/you-smarter-than-your-grandparents-intelligence-x-ia-doug-hohulin/
What the Future of Telepresence will Bring
I believe that XR & TelePresence is going to be as big in the 2020s as smart phones were in the 2000s.?The question is will XR & TelePresence be as big as the smart phone in the 2010s and replace the smart phone???Right now VR is difficult to use but in the next 3 to 5 years it will be as easy to use as a smart phone.?In 10 years, “They weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life until they are indistinguishable from it”
“The most profound technologies are those that disappear. They weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life until they are indistinguishable from it”.
“Most important, ubiquitous computers will help overcome the problem of information overload. There is more information available at our fingertips during a walk in the woods than in any computer system, yet people find a walk among trees relaxing and computers frustrating.?Machines that fit the human environment, instead of forcing humans to enter theirs, will make using a computer as refreshing as taking a walk in the woods” ?Mark Weiser
People are connecting more with people from around the world because of communication technology (digitization, dematerialization, democratization).?People are traveling less and are locked down and have more free time (because they are locked down).?2020 will be the year humanity learns how to TelePresence.?Initially, TelePresence will be as clunky as the Motorola-Q Smart Phone Technology was in 2005.?But Just like the Smartphone revolution happened in the late 2000s and we got to 1B smart phone users in 2011, TelePresence is Inevitable and by 2028, there will be 1 Billion TelePresence Humans connecting just as easily remotely as in person.
Milestone Dates of what could be possible:
I think VR and TelePresence has a real opportunity to minimize CO2 emissions in the 2020s
Covid reduced travel and CO2 emissions and accelerated TelePresence in 2020 but the Climate Emergence and the need to reduce our carbon footprint may encourage humanity to continue to use TelePresence into the 2020s.?????
‘Winter Wonder Celebration’?VR Engage Experience – A taste of things to come
Caitlin Krause, author of ‘Mindful by Design: A Practical Guide for Cultivating Aware, Advancing, and Authentic Learning Experiences’ was the guides of a 1-hour experience utilizes a variety of features on the ENGAGE platform to create a beautiful, immersive and moving experience.?Caitlin designed the entire experience that was an amazing experience.
It was a fusion of elements, dark and light, poetic senses, connection, candlelight, and the tradition of the turn to the new year.?We traveled to space, winter wonder lands, saw the northern lights.?I came away with a sense of gratefulness, peacefulness and anticipation of a what could be possible in VR, storytelling and telepresence in 2021.?
The below links show only a shadow of what I experienced.?You really need to be in VR engage to experience this.?The images in VR engage, music, narration and poetry from Caitlin Krause is incredible.?One of the experiences is being on a small island (100 meters) in space.?There is a fire pit; it is dark with a small fire in the forest; the sky is alive with stars and color of the northern lights. You and 30 other people?are experiencing the Earth, Moon, Jupiter and Saturn rising and filling the sky.?You see Earth as if you are on the ISS.?You can fly around the island, for those who snow ski, it was like skiing on your favorite well-groomed run to your favorite song.?It was flow and presence. It was incredible.
See this video?Virtual Reality for Wellbeing, Mindful Leadership, Social-Emotional Development and XR Collaboration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ni_L6dT4VPQ
See the quote in the video:?“where people are learning together and collaborating.?he had all this engineering training and when he was interviewed after he went into orbit. He said at that moment of looking down on the earth was one of complete wonder. He knew his stuff. He knew his skills but he dropped all sense of being his own head computing and thinking and he just stared at the earth with a sense of wonder. Raise your hand above your head if you've ever felt like that - yourself - wow this is amazing.” - That is the experience I had.
Here’s to a few more days and a few more years on this planet when I am not old.?I am excited for what the future will bring.
Author's Note in Oct 2023, The VR experience led and designed by Caitlin in December 2020 remains my favorite to date. I’m eager to see if 2024 will bring an even more immersive experience.
Additional Information
I have written over 80 blogs on linkedin.?I wrote 17 in 2020.
Here is the link for all my blogs
My favorite blogs:
17 2020 Blogs, a new virtual friend and thoughts for 2021 – A River, a Life and Time Just Keeps Going.
The 21st Century – The Century of the Billion and Billions. 322 Views written on Nov 11, 2019
This is a living list of what technologies have reach a billion users in the past and my predictions of the technologies for in the future.
The value of a horrible job - especially when you are young – 600 Views Publish date December 13, 2014
Here are some 360 videos that give a flavor of the experienced if watched in VR.??I use the YouTube app in oculus.
VR 360 Space Journey out of our solar system at faster than light speed video for virtual reality https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gT946e-hZoY
Apollo 8's Christmas Eve Message [HD] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vvNxhlP1jA&feature=emb_logo
Here is an example of the hero’s journey?story in Quill
Virtual Reality for Wellbeing, Mindful Leadership, Social-Emotional Development and XR Collaboration
The Mindfulness Experience with Caitlin Krause in VR: Personal and Social Resilience
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