When you like to be a privileged in an underprivileged society
When you like to be privileged in an underprivileged society, you need to know that it comes at the cost of someone else. If that person is unaware of the cost or not empowered enough to stand against that exploitation, you can continue to enjoy privileges.
Needless to note that we should be against not only sexual harassment, but also any kind of harassment of women representing any strata of the society. We cannot be that narrow in our perspective to be against the cruelty of the privileged women only and just look away when it comes to the under-privileged women. Furthermore, a human life cannot be priced, just because of education which opens a door for a person to see the world, but not jewelry that a person can be proud of.
I am writing this article in a society where almost everyone looks for someone known to him or her in order to get things done easily, when he steps into a government office. People who are not patient enough to be in a queue expect to be treated more respectfully than others, owing to their education or profession. That categorization should be no more.
Be it a physician, be it a Tamil school girl, be it a female patient, we must be equally against cruelty for women, at large, cruelty for all humans.
If someone deserves justice more immediately, more efficiently, being a physician, we have gone wrong somewhere.
Dr Indika Sudharsana Balage was found guilty of killing the young woman, a garment factory worker, at the hospital in the town of Negombo in 2007. Could you remember the GMOA was this interested in getting the justice for that victim, a garment factory worker? like when the victim is a physician. That's where we should raise the voice.
Typical Sri Lankan mindset has listed out several professions as the most respected in the society. The medical doctor comes first. They do a great job in curing patients. A garment factory worker also does a great job by contributing to export income. Should we be in the typical mindset anymore??