When you learn, teach!
Mo'Shai Gibbs, MBA
Senior Partner and Solutions Marketing Leader | 40 Under 40 (2024 PBJ) | B2B Marketer | Moderator and Speaker
Over the last couple of years I would say that life has taught me many lessons. Its amazing the growth that comes out of each lesson if you are willing to stick through it and take on the challenge. I have been presented with great opportunities, I have had personal downfalls and much more but overall I have learned so much that my greatest desire is to teach those who are coming up behind me and not only teach but take actions to create a "pipeline" to allow for there to be many more like me next in line.
Being a lifelong student is important to me because it means you are not putting limits/boundaries on your capacity and you are always evolving. I always look at a challenge and take it on because if I can complete the tasks and come out on the other end I consider that a success. After years of working at various corporations, I always get asked how did I get my job by many people either looking to break into the marketing space or those are fresh out of school and cannot seem to find a job and may not want to go the entrepreneurial route. While listening to one of my favorite podcasts, there was a quote from Maya Angelou shared "When you learn, teach and When you get, give" and that ignited a fire in me to I take my learning of the navigating the corporate space and provide tips and best practices from my personal experiences for those who desire to have progressive and ongoing career in Corporate America and need a little help. Below is the first guide/eBook that I have created and there will be more to follow in the "Black Girl Corporate" series. Download here