"When You Know the Rules You Can Play the Game"
Geri Mason
As Speaker, Writer, & Author, I help people turn negatives into Positives through my Unique approaches to Life
There are so many ‘how to’ books, that deciding which ones to read can be a job in itself. There’s “how to make a million”, “how to be successful at work”, “how to get a man”, “how to find peace”, and the list goes on. Why do so many people seek others for advice, when ultimately the final decision is always made by you? Sometimes we want validation and affirmation that what we believe about ourselves is true. Other times we need a little push to tip us over the scale. Maybe we have been contemplating a change but still have some doubts. It’s times like these when a good book may give us the necessary step to stay in the game.
There is a system in place for everything that the universe holds dear to us. We talk about the law of attraction and how we attract to ourselves who we are. At a conference the other day, one of the speakers said, “You are the sum of the five people you hang out with.” Although I had already done some downsizing on my immediate circle, this made me take an evener closer look at who I hang with. I’m not saying that you should call all your friends and tell them where they are on the totem pole, but I AM saying that you need to decide who gets your valuable time. If the only time you see some of your friends is when they want to party, then they cannot be in your immediate circle of influence. We all have reasons to celebrate, but every weekend does not have to be a party. Would you want to do business with the person that you see at the club every Saturday night? Think about it. Perception is extremely important. No matter how much you try to explain to someone that you are not that girl, their visual will remain the same. With social media steadily on the rise, the rules of the game keep changing daily. There is no way that you can keep up with the Jones’. Before anyone takes offense, please know that this message is for no one other than me. I always write first for myself, with hopes that someone may find themselves in the message. I encourage you to always consider the rules of the game in whatever you attempt to accomplish. It’s not easy, but when you know the rules you can play the game.