When You Grow Up
Josh Perry
I coach leaders and teams to optimize resilience, energy & execution for greater impact. | Pro-BMX Athlete (retired) & ?? Tumor Warrior | Golf Enthusiast | Metabolic Health & Psychology Nerd
“What do you want to be when you grow up?”
We all remember being asking this as a kid, right?
The possibilities are endless we were told.
But, how sincere was this question when it was asked & how true is the latter statement? How many of us manifested that dream into our reality, better yet, how many of us actually took a risk on that dream?
It seems, although sparking creativity & inspiring imagination, this question was a mask for confirmatory disguised as an idea of a dream when those asking this question most likely didn’t take a chance on theirs…maybe they did, maybe they didn’t.
I’ve realized there are few of us that take a risk on who it is we truly want to become when we grow up & that’s because few are often supported in being that person when they’re younger.
I was encouraged to “go big and fly high”, as my mom always told me, & my family backed anything I chose to do, as long as I worked hard at it and gave it my all.
I realize not everyone has a support system as I did growing up with, but I also had my own struggles along the way.
I often hear the phrase “must be nice” or “you’re so lucky” & it pisses me off.
To me, it negates all the hard ass work, the sacrifice in a “secure” career left behind to pursue and unlikely & unconventional path, pain and suffering endured to find my way (mentally and physically), risking my life, & the countless times I fell down (figuratively and literally) in order to get to a point people have the audacity to say such things to me.
To be on a path speaking my truth to people I don’t know, 100% fueled by passion & purpose, is crazy to sit back & reflect on.
It started with a self filled dream to become a professional BMX athlete and after many unfathomable adversities along the way, I got real clear on my purpose in life to show others what’s possible when we dig deep within ourselves, even when we thought we had nothing left.
This purpose is fueled with a mission to inspire new perspectives in others to step into that untapped potential empowerment by living through the lens of my life rather than waiting for catastrophic events to occur in your life to wake up.
Josh P.