When you feel like you're not good for anything, what can you do?

Answer: What you must do is to change your beliefs and you can start by understanding the truth for it is knowing the truth that will set you free from feeling like you're not good for anything. And the truth is that our human state of mind, our human nature, our human ego-self, is the only place that erroneous beliefs can function or find expression. In other words, your ego-self has separated itself from God and if there was no you, false beliefs would have no place to function. When there is no such self, there are no false beliefs to contend with and therefore no feelings like you're not good for anything.

And so it follows that the only problem you, we, have is the presence of me and the absence of God, and the only solution is the Presence of God and the absence of me. As you develop your spiritual consciousness by practicing contemplative meditation, you will come to realize that it is God's nature that you have Life abundantly, that the kingdom of God, infinite goodness, is within you and if you seek first that inner kingdom, the consciousness of God, then goodness, the absence of feeling not good for anything, will follow.


