When You FAIL — Diet Companies WIN Big.
Do commercial diets KNOW you'll re-gain? That you'll require "tune-ups" to re-lose lost weight? Photo: FancyCrave - UnSplash

When You FAIL — Diet Companies WIN Big.

When You FAIL — Diet Companies WIN Big. 

Diet companies bet big on you failing. In fact they are counting on it. It’s not a gamble to them. It’s a sure bet — 90+% of the time they win. You lose. 

Oh, sure, they want you to lose weight. It’s their thing. Their reason for being. BUT, and it’s a BIG BUT, the more times you re-gain, AFTER losing, the more you’ll repeat their DIET. You are a classic “repeat” customer. Gain some. Lose some. Re-gain some. Lose some. Rinse. Repeat. 

Diet companies win when you lose weight. They know you will be back… …to re-lose it.

PT Barnum, of carnival and circus fame, had a guy in a flat topped carnival hat, standing on a platform, cane in hand, yelling… “Step this way. See the Egress. Just ten cents, 1/10th of a dollar, to see the amazing, stupendous, one of a kind EGRESS. Step this way!”

Of course having “seen” the egress (a fancy word for “exit”), you had to pay to be re-admitted to see the rest of the carnival. 

Diet companies got rid of the guy in the carnival hat and pointing cane, and replaced him with formerly overweight, now thinner (then overweight, then thinner again ...think Marie and Oprah...) celebrity women. But the effect is the same.

“There’s a sucker born every minute,” PT repeated endlessly with a smirk. 

You pay to get in, pay to get out, pay to get back in. 

“Diets are more like car tuneups than repairs,” one big diet company executive testified in a London court. “No one expects to keep the weight off,” her sworn testimony concluded. 

Is that how you understand paying over a thousand dollars (the average cost for 3 months) is for you...not a fix, just a tuneup

Diet company executive says…
“Diets are not a fix…
Just a tuneup.”

You see, PT was right. Pay to see the amazing, stupendous egress, er, diet. 

If you didn’t fail repeatedly, with low-calorie diets…

…the diet companies would either go out of business… 

...or do something shocking...like...

…fixing their diets so that 90% succeed long term, instead of fail. 

Nah! Too costly. Too lucrative to abandon the revolving “enter, egress, re-enter”…low calorie diet. Stick with customers paying to see the egress. PT strikes again, “Once a sucker, always a sucker.”

Diet companies want you to pay now, knowing you’ll eventually fail. Then you'll pay to come back, same time next year, FOR YOUR TUNE-UP.

Diet companies win when you fail to keep the weight off.

Who needs new customers when you have a ton of old ones recycling, RE-TUNING UP, regularly?

The UnDiet Project ? 2019 Boyd Jentzsch. All Rights Reserved. 


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