“When you come to a roadblock, take a detour.”

Sounds easy enough, but it’s not our natural instinct. The natural instinct is to either get discouraged and give up, or ram up against the roadblock until we knock ourselves out. But what’s so bad about taking the long way around as long as you get to your final destination. It does take a bit of belief that the detour is still leading you to where you want to go, and it takes mental fortitude to not get sidetracked along the way and lose sight of where you’re going. Once you remove time from the equation and give yourself room to breathe you can actually enjoy taking the scenic route to your goals and dreams.and also don`t forget that everyday count and great Muhammad Ali said,and l quote;It can be dangerous to start counting down your days, because you want to make each one count. But many times there will be an event coming up that makes you start counting down how many days until it arrives. But each day between now and then is important, and you don’t want to breeze over any part of your life just to get to the next, seemingly better part. Putting the most of yourself into each day will make it so you never have any regrets about how you spent your time here, and you’ll know that you really did make it count each day.

Thank you all.



