When Will the World Have a COVID19 Vaccine
The entire world is expecting the news of a potential vaccine to resume their lives as they’ve lived before the global pandemic.
The shift of lifestyle has been greater than ever before with 2/3 of the world’s populated confined to their houses with all non-essential travels completely blocked.
The largest biotech companies throughout the world have funded into developing a vaccine for the virus although no possible cure with certainty has been found as yet.
Generally, a vaccine to get to the mass production stage may take more than a decade long time.
Research Scientists are more focused on developing a cure for human contribution that on a race to win who develops it first.
What is Corona Virus?
It is a type of Viral Infection which can develop severe respiratory illness and viral pneumonia.
Why do we require a vaccine?
Given the pandemic it is vital to create a vaccine that can successfully destroy the virus in the human body and save those who are exposed to it.
While it is also important to find an antibody to cure those who are at the risk of being exposed to it.
Some are tolerable to the virus while others may fall severely ill by contracting the virus.
December 2019 to now the laboratories around the world and not for profit organizations like the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation have pumped in millions of dollars to develop a cure.
The experts in the research have predicted that a possible development of a successful vaccine may take up to 18 months and have looked at funding to shorten this period.
Commercially developed vaccines that are currently in the market have not been able to successfully mutate the virus.
Tests across the world have been conducted and have resulted with cure for a number of minute amount of patients however this is not yet proved to be successful to all patients as it involves the effectiveness to the severity of the virus.
Vaccine Development
- Analysis of the Virus
The study of the virus is carried out an it’s effect on the human body.
- Composition of the drug
A composition of the drug is developed which can defend the virus conforming to safety and tolerability of the drug to the human body.
- Laboratory test on animals
Test is conducted on animal inside the laboratories to measure the levels of successful of the potential dose of the drug against the virus.
- Testing on volunteer human population
The early stage of clinical testing may not have a large number of volunteers and may take place in several stages in the clinical trial phases to determine the success or failure of the vaccine against the cure.
Clinical Trials are in their initially stages as per the published reports by various research scientists. No clinical trial as of yet has been conducted in phase 2 however there is some hope that these could be conducted between the March and May.
There is certainty that this can progress up to phase 3 and the successful development of a vaccine at the moment. Scientists across the continents have been battling to advance as quickly as possible however all of this may depend on their success.
First patient dosed in US on March 17th to stop spread the corona virus.
To fast track, the phases of clinical trials researchers are looking at combining the clinical phase of 2 and 3 together to shorten the period of time to assess the success of the vaccine and quicken the mass production.
A German group of scientists have given some hope for promising results like this Biotech company based in Berlin.
Due to previous research conducted on SARS and MERS virus the research has helped fast track the development of the vaccine.
Production Capacity
On successful development of a vaccine by the research companies the next big question is if the commercial developers have the capacity to manufacture a large quantity of doses in a shorter period of time.
However, it is important that we have sufficient production capacity for severely ill and next to those at risk.
Currently this based in Tuebingen, Germany has the capacity of mass producing low dose COIVD19 vaccine up to 10million doses per production.
BAT racing for a Cure
With a history of being economically and socially considered a demerit good the British American Tobacco is now in the race for a possible development of Corona Virus vaccine.
The development is currently underway in the R&D wing using a close relative specie of the Tobacco plant known as the Nicotiana benthamiana which has no commercial value.
The drug development is in the pre-clinical stage which may also provide a breakthrough for a possible cure.
A thought that has hit my mind is will this become another case study of development in human evolution like Volvo not patenting the invention of the seat belt in saving lives from motor crashes. Will a pharma company that finds the cure open the patent so developing and under developed regions have access to it?
Food for thought
One research claims that countries with mandatory TB vaccines showed fewer Covid19 deaths. According to this report Japan has implemented a mandatory vaccination policy of the BCG vaccine against Tuberculosis from 1951.
Which shows a surprisingly lower number of deaths from the virus unlike some other developed countries like the USA and countries in the EU.
Is it possible, yes absolutely possible that you have contracted the virus and have false tested as negative in both PCR and Antibody tests.
Possible because the virus is at an early stage the virus may go undetected.
How can all this research help us in the future?
Researchers will be more prepared in quicken the remedy for a future pandemic that may spread across the world.
Who is mostly at risk?
The elderly is mostly at risk with developing respiratory illness and pneumonia and can be more severe for population with complicated health history.
Vaccine development is at an early stage and there is more research that is being carried out in analyzing the virus itself.
Developments recently have shown that the virus can just spread by talking and breathing itself according to the expert panel of researchers.
Practice health guidelines issued by the WHO and avoid unnecessary interaction
Prevention is better than cure! Yet there is responsibility of saving the infected with a possible cause of cure.
This post aims to spread the knowledge of intelligence and development of vaccine and possible cure for the Corona Virus and does not focus on any health and medical advice other than the general health guidelines issued by the World Health Organisation.