When working harder no longer works
I remember the first time?when working harder no longer worked for me.?
It was many years ago when I decided to take up work in a warehouse to earn some extra money to attend a festival.
My job was very simple: pick up produce from designated places within a predefined time frame.
As a beginner, I started with around 30% productivity - meaning it took me waaaay longer to finish the task than the time allocated.
I tried to rush, run, and do things faster, but no matter what I did, it was not good enough. My productivity would not increase noticeably.
It bugged me. Even more so, because a friend who worked there for many years was super slow, but somehow he got above 100% productivity and landed among the leaderboard. His ability to be productive while calm and centered at the time felt like magic.
This is how I knew, rushing and "trying harder" was not the solution. It took me a few months of practice to crack the code, to get to 100% productivity, but I did it.?
What was the code?
Many things contributed to the success, but the most important was?FAST and firm decision-making?for nearly 8 hours straight, with only a 30-minute lunch break between.
This job taught me many powerful lessons, and one of the most important ones is:
"You get more of what you focus on" or "Energy flows where attention goes".
I was constantly focused on not only getting to the top of the leaderboard with above 100% productivity (purpose) but also doing it easily and sustainably.
This meant letting go of recent mistakes and carrying on with the current task to catch up with productivity.
This meant that I regularly had to let go of guilting and shaming myself for mistakes made or not measuring up to expectations to be on the leaderboard.. if only I was a bit faster.
This meant finding my Flow in the process and enjoying it.?
This also meant focusing on WINNERS and NOT focusing on other new arrivals who were happy to stay at 30% productivity. This meant not comparing myself with losers.?
This decision here was HUGE and since has helped me to get rid of more than 90% of my worries - just by focusing on what I want and discarding what I don't want. Yes, worry is a simple decision of priorities.
Furthermore,?knowing where to direct your attention is a powerful gift.?
Don't take it for granted. And since you are the creator of your reality, you literally create your experience here by?setting your intention and directing your attention.
Now, this gets really easy, once you realize that you have a very precise guidance system built in, leading you towards your?dream life.
And this guidance system is a?pure place in your heart. In simple terms: the better you feel, the more aligned you are with your path.
No, your destiny is not set, however, there are certain guidelines you can follow. Would you like to discover them for yourself? Check?this?out.
In short, you also can calculate the cornerstones of your path, like a road map.
In Human Design this road map is called the "Incarnation Cross".
In Gene Keys, it's called Activation Sequence.?
I call it the?Personal Manifestation Blueprint?- your 4-step process, where to put your attention to ensure that you are aligned with your path, in flow, and do work smarter, rather than harder.
If you ever find yourself in a place where working harder no longer works, know that there are 4 steps you can take to break free from this pattern.
Just listen to?the pure place in your heart?and it will guide you all the way.
Have it magical!