When Work is Like a Video Game
At least it isn't Pac Man where I am eating all day chased by ghosts. Many large packages are placed behind me. Like the ones in front of me? They need to be processed. It was nicer when Whitney Houston sang All at Once.
That is usually how the workload comes down. I have made the "Trouble With Tribbles" reference before. With so much in front of me there was not time to look behind. The work is finished little by little.
So make it a game. The men who put all the large pieces behind me have no idea a woman walks through this section at the end of the shift. They don't see things three dimensionally. No, they do their work and move on.
I cannot. With such a mess behind me? I had to clear a path for the lady in waiting. It reminded me of Donkey Kong. Jumping over barrels, fighting flames with a hammer- in this scenario Char is the Princess who is taken away by a large gorilla.
I cleared a path. Did she walk through and gently kiss me on the cheek? That happens in some video games. Not on a sweaty Saturday. The work has to be completed and any variations might make it more interesting. If it is similar to a video game? I was never very good at video games.
Pinball was my game and I could win free games and extra balls to keep it going. The return on investment on a quarter was more fun in pinball than video games. That has no bearing on seeing the work and comparing it to an iconic game. Whatever carries us to the end of the shift.