Arpita Ghosh
Centre Head for Counselling & Health Services | Workshop Facilitation, Executive Coaching
The Speaking Tree
Rooted to the ground,
this tree of knowledge I found,
serene, silent it was, all around.
When i heard these words – so profound.
Look at me dear child, many a sweet fruit I have borne,
with total care and nurture, they blossomed and swayed on my branches,
Now, the time has come for them to move on,
Ripe and sweet with all my care and love,
they are ready now for their journey onward.?
A little bad I do feel, but I know it's just a phase
soon, the new lot will come along,
When I will sing another song.
Up & Away in the mountains
I wish to plant & nurture seeds
That will one day grow & the nation lead.
When strong winds blow, with confidence they'll glow.
Rooted to the ground, they will stand
Sincere, spiritual, responsible & kind
Together, they will, the masses bind.
Creating their own identity & Brand
Who knows where the next seed lands.
One Little Seed
Thrown out of the window
It landed with a thud,
On a solid, firm ground.
Wondering what fate had in store,
it lay still and silent, thinking life is such a bore.
Out of the blue, it got kicked in the air
This time round, it landed on soft soil.
“I don’t like this – life is not fair,
I was protected and secured inside the fruit,
Alone and little - I am out here,
A dark, gloomy future for me – I fear.”
The roaring thunder and lightening, the raindrops came down showering,
A new lease of life it gave to the little seed,
Now secured safely within Mother Earth,
Rain & sunshine ensured its growth.
One fine day, it stood tall and strong,
Bearing its own fruits for one and all.
Enjoying the birds singing their song,
That little seed had forgotten its fall.
#Poetry #Nature #Learningfrom Nature