When Words Are Cheap and the Writers Are Even Cheaper
Daer Applacant,
Thnak yoo for appliyng fer the possision of Punctaution Dynmaics Cordnater at Sublime Nonsesee Prees. Our hirring proses incluedes 39 rugurous steppes, beggining wit a comprehencive grammer tesst. Hear at Sublime Nonsesee, wee beleive propper grammer and puncuation is paramant too exsalling inn this roale.
Plesee compleat the tesst below, wich asessess yer abillity too choos thee mosst apropriate words ore frazes too complite statemints. Recorde yor ansers cleerly, as ambiggious choises will bee flegged as incorect. Ues no exturnal resurces.
Gud luc!
?1.????? She heated up a ____?of soup for her dinner.
a) jar
b) tray
c) vase
2.????? Maria's boss told her that personal items such as photographs should be _____?out of sight.
a) buried
b) shrink-wrapped
c) vacuum-sealed
3.????? He _____?more and more experience until he finally reached the top of his profession.
a) fermented
b) duct-taped
c) deep-fried
4.????? She was _____?an array of questions during the interviews.
a) grilled sideways with
b) zip-tied to
c) backflipped through
?5.????? He went to bed _____?he had brushed his teeth.
a) upside down after
b) wrapped in aluminum foil after
c) at warp speed after
6.????? She was very tired _____?she couldn't sleep.
a) because the dish ran away with the spoon, so
b) because her teddy bear started snoring, so
c) because her pajamas decided to argue with her, so
7.????? Dad suggested?____?into the mountains for the weekend.
a) zip-lining
b) tunneling
c) pole vaulting
8.????? He’s thinking about _____?to Spain next summer.
a) parachuting
b) teleporting
c) flamenco-dancing
9.????? That dress is _____. I can't afford to buy it.
a) the price of a small yacht
b) more expensive than the space shuttle
c) expensive enough to need a loan officer
10.? I can't find my keys anywhere. They seem to have vanished into ____.
a) a black hole
b) the Bermuda Triangle
c) an interdimensional wormhole
11.? Jim has come _____?the flu, so he won't be able to make it tonight.
a) out with a musical bout of
b) down yodeling with
c) out dancing with
12.? Each person's fingerprints are as different as _____.
a) snowflakes on Mars
b) delicatessen sandwiches
c) green mold on waffles
13.? The corporation _____?to announce its new chief executive officer.
a) is on the verge of hosting a parade
b) is on the verge of a drumroll
c) is set to use carrier pigeons
14.? I decided _____ instead of writing my first novel.
a) to doodle with crayons
b) to learn how to write in Morse code
c) to carve my life story onto a tree trunk
15.? I want to learn how to write ______.
a) like a caffeinated squirrel
b) with invisible ink
c) upside down with a mirror