When Women Unleash Their Superpower They Are Unstoppable
Arshiya Kapadia
Communications & Social Media Marketing Leader | Change Enabler | Brand Journalist | DEI Catalyst
A few years ago I watched a video of former Pepsico chief Indra Nooyi in conversation with Anne-Marie Slaughter that I haven’t been able to get out of my head1. Nooyi, long known for her wit and calling a spade a spade remarks nonchalantly in the clip - “I don’t believe women help enough women in the workplace… what’s wrong with us women? We ought to be helping each other out.”
Nooyi’s seemingly casual remark is met with surprise by the interviewer and humor by the audience. By calling out women for their insecurity in the workplace, Nooyi is being astute, brave and empathetic at the same time. Believe it or not, this phenomenon actually has an official name. It is called the “Queen Bee” syndrome2 where “some senior-level women distance themselves from junior women, perhaps to be more accepted by their male peers”. The assumption is that the race to get to the top is already crowded with many male contenders, so very few women can get a spot in the race, forget win it. Therefore this behavior “is a?response?to inequality at the top, not the cause”.?
When I sit back and think of my career spanning two continents and two decades, I can think of several instances where I’ve encountered the Queen Bee at the workplace. However, those Queen Bees have been far outnumbered by women colleagues, peers, managers and mentors who have been kind, supportive, generous with both their time and talent, have allowed me to lean in at the worst of times and the best of times, and led by example.?
Recognize Your Superpower
In honor of these women and to honor #WomensHistoryMonth, I asked more than 60 women in my LinkedIn network one question – “What is Your Superpower?” The five most popular responses turned out to be the following:?
#1. Empathy: No surprises here. Empathy is a foundational skill, not only for leaders or marketers, but for life, as COVID taught us.
#2. Kindness: One of the most under-rated superpowers out there; let’s admit it -- the world needs more and more of it.
#3. Connecting/Community: Our isolation has made us value our connections and people more than ever. (See a complete list of communities and resources for women in the comments section.)
#4. Persistence/Resilience:?We’ve all been through the worst, witnessed enough wear and tear, broken down on Zoom calls, embraced our natural beauty (read gray roots), and come out stronger for it.
#5. Listening: A virtual world has made us rediscover the precious art of listening.?
(Scroll down to the bottom for full list of Participants + Superpowers)
These answers gleaned from 69 women should not surprise you, but should serve as a collective reminder that when women unleash their inner superpower, they are practically unstoppable. The next step is to challenge ourselves. Chances are you already possess one of these qualities. How about picking one more from this list to double down on your superpowers? If you want to go even further, pick two more, or even three more!
We are at a seminal point in history. A global pandemic. A global recession. With years of gender equity at stake, it will take all of our collective superpowers to change the future of work to make it better for women. Pre-pandemic?employment?levels for the most vulnerable, especially women, won't return to normal until after 2024.?Women face one million more job losses than men and one in four women are considering downshifting their careers or quitting due to the pandemic3. Women must empower themselves like never before to challenge these structural shifts within organizations in a post-COVID world. It will take all of our collective might to retain our sanity, continue doing what we do, bring women back into the workforce and descale the pandemic gap year. That’s why we need all of our combined superpowers and we must all do more. Yes, the work never ends.?
When Superpowers Combine?
Like the all-female hero scene in Avengers: Endgame, we are stronger together. When women support more women at work, when women managers mentor more women inside or outside their organizations, it will have a direct impact on:
Would the Suffragette movement have been possible without women joining forces with each other? Or would the global outcry for #MeToo in recent history have been possible without women rallying together??
However, you don’t always have to start an international movement to support your brethren. I asked Jennifer DaSilva, President, Berlin Cameron, how can women support more women at work? “It's unbelievable to me that there are still women who DON’T support each other at work,” says Jennifer. “I do my best to have everyone's back at my company, whether that means just being empathetic if they need some time for family, telling them to take their seat at the table and own it, or fighting to get them the money and resources they need. I am also open about my imperfections and failures, so that they feel they can be open as well. There is no way to model perfection and it’s an impossible standard to hold anyone to. Outside of my company, I also respond to most LinkedIn outreach that comes to me for a quick chat with a woman who needs advice or a connection.” So it’s really as simple as that. Respond. Bolster. Encourage.?
Jennifer of course knows a thing or two about supporting women. Last year in the middle of the pandemic when most of us were busy binging on chips, Jennifer started Connect4Women - a networking group for women to amplify women’s voices and mentor them. This quarter the program is focused on helping women who have been affected by the SHEcession. (link in comments)
So how can women turn their superpowers into their strengths? Jennifer ascertains that if they are indeed your superpowers, they are already your strengths. Learn to magnify them. “Women need to be able to tell the story of their superpowers in a compelling and dynamic way and need to broadcast it wherever they can. Women shouldn’t feel afraid or ashamed to brag,” says Jennifer. Remember that when you are in a flux.
Lastly, I leave you with one thought. Be more. More of everything. And use your superpowers to empower other women, in any way, big or small, that you can. When the history of COVID-19 is chronicled, this must be chronicled as one of our wins.
Besides, we could all use some heroes right about now.
What Is Your Superpower?
I asked the women in my LinkedIn network to tell me their SUPERPOWER -- essentially, what makes them, them, and this is their response. I am in awe of each and every one of them. So much gratitude for my tribe. Thank you for being YOU.
(If you're wondering about my Superpower - it's Perseverance - I NEVER Give Up!)
Trauma-informed Introvert Coach & Midlife Mentor | I help quiet achievers grow into Quiet Warriors who can speak, lead, and rise to the occasion - without having to act extroverted.
3 年Arshiya, I love the way you've drawn us all together in support of the message that women need to support women at work and to present a unified front. Sisterhood is a powerful and beautiful thing. Thank you for including me in your community!
Vice President.EH&B Placement Executive at Marsh McLennan
3 年AMAZING.. It is great to be part of this thank a lot Arshiya Kapadia
Global Marketing Access @ Merck KGaA | Marketing & Communications Expert | Brand Strategist | Digital Media | SEO | Content Marketing | Product Marketing | Masters in Expanded Media @ Hochschule Darmstadt.
3 年Excellent article
Strategic Marketing Content & Communications | Digital Leader | Board Member
3 年Love this, Arshi!
Head of Community Building @ Elkstone | Founder @ Rise Up | Podcast Host | DE&I Champion
3 年Love this! Great article Arshiya Kapadia and thank you for including me.