When We Seek God
When We Seek God
Take a moment to clear your mind and breathe. Now ask yourself this question with the intention of being completely honest: What am I seeking most in life?
The majority of people in the world are seeking things they will never be able to keep once this lifetime is over. However, true fulfillment comes only through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and that is eternal. Like Josiah in today’s passage, we too can seek that relationship with the Lord. It requires a desire to ...
Find out what He is like. Examining God’s Word in depth gives us more understanding of who God is and how He relates to His creation.
Fellowship with Him intimately. Spending time alone with God reorients our heart with His, but it must be quality time—consistent, alone, quiet, and unhurried.
Follow Him more closely. The more you allow the Holy Spirit to work His Word into your heart, the more you will want to obey and please our heavenly Father.
These three things undoubtedly bring us closer to God, but we have to make the decision to pursue them. Do you want to seek God? Let us resolve to know and love Him more today and turn to Him for help.