Sometimes, we angle our lives to the goals we had at the onset of a career:
- Being the best at your work/ role - industry.
- Collaborating with a specific person for a project.
- Having an age to set a retirement figure at.
- To set a corresponding amount to retire with, versus an actual allowance for post-retirement projects - whether it was volunteering, seed investing, or angel investing, or to help your kids with their own goals at the onset (people are divided with this concept of parents supporting their kids throughout their lives, depending on their culture).
- Solidifying the concept of loving unconditionally - something I have set my sights on since 2012.
- And understanding that movies, are scripted pieces of projects - and are not necessarily real but probably more reflective - as a first-person view whose life has been extracted its making, but a nice piece of art (in reel life) to industry and commercial movie buffs.
- Investing in Artwork you love, and possibly making your own - whether as Art Therapy, or as a lifelong hobby.
- Things that I never really had time or enough focuss for - being with friends (and knowing their actual lives - outside of the coffee morning or the quick stopping at their house).
- Being in touch with old dear ones - visits and sending little things in the post. (My list overfloweth).
- And sending thank you notes to everyone who had been involved - personally, in your life - and of great contribution to a personal growth, or a surviving of a life-trial, a difficulty and especially all the unknown hurdles. (Is a real priority).
- Causing a riot. A favourite concept of mine - when there are no Political Correctness found in my future of buying a Porsche or something that has an enormous footprint - I bought a leather bag (not done since 20 years ago) and just quietly remained a tiny tinge of my generation's fashion ideal yet not tipping over the planet in its expense.
- Allowing myself to be a tad sentimental - after all, & before you know it - in a blink of an eye, everything beams with a different light, and has gone past before you've fully absorbed its full meaning, or its having a secondary impasse to a collective goal - which from time to time, I would think is a healthy thing.
- Being the age that we are, and having been both foundational, and headlining to the industries we are in, could be a sound reason to - hmmm, take someone special to dinner.