When we lose, we realise their value
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
It's natural. There could be two reasons I guess - You were too busy in taking them for granted to realize this. They were with you to help you, support you whenever you needed something. And after losing them you realize their importance. And it's not 'Them' who you miss, you miss 'someone' who used to do things for you. You miss being helped and supported. You had no idea that they could even leave you. You were so sure about it. You were enjoying their company. You never gave it a thought. And when they left, you realized how important they were. How empty your life is without them.
We always take them for granted because we think that they would be always available for us whenever we need them but when they leave us we realise their value,their importance in our life,but by then it’s late..!!!!When you have billions of dollars stashed away in your locker with the freedom to buy out anything as per your whims and fancies, will you seldom think twice about valuing the money? You would take the money you have for granted and will not put a value on it as long as the stash keeps getting bigger.
But once it runs out,you would struggle to live by with each penny and plan well to reduce your expenditure- you will then realise the value of money. The same happens with people- albeit it involves emotions and sentiments. It is natural human psychology to take for granted all that comes easy to him/her- whether it is people or any other thing. You would never thank your Mom or Dad for all the small things they do for you - you take it for granted that it is their duty to do so. But in their absence, you realise that the small things are tough shoes to fill in. Only when we ourselves end up being in the shoes of others, do we realise their worth and stop taking them for granted. The key is to understand the perspective of the other person and respect them - value will come by automatically!
There is no vacuum when someone is with us. When we lose someone then there is vacuum in our lives if we had truly liked or loved then when they lived. It is not easy for humans to replace others when they leave earth which is why human life is very very precious. It is like that no electricity and no water only for 1–2 days then you realize the value of water and electricity for 5–10 days. After that you will take it for granted and forget its importance.
Its the human nature that we do not realize the value of someone unless we lose them because we take he or she for granted means feeling that he or she always remain with us. Its the universal truth that if we got something in excess its importance lost for eg water, air etc and diamonds that are not present in abundance amount have its importance. We tend to hold on to the belief that, human resource is an inexhaustible one and finding a replacement for someone could not be, climb a mountain issue. But no matter how much the government, educational institutions, culture and family work on creating finite categories for every individual’s profile, each and everyone of us is still an individual with unique and exclusive traits!
We always tend to overlook the personal touch of someone, how their presence makes a difference; we see them through their work and social behavior but rarely as someone, who has come into your life and has made a positive difference to your life, could be even in a subtle way! There is this painful void that first appears when we lose someone; we try to accept it and move on, but then, some part of the emptiness would still hide the beauty of your canvas, now you try to find someone to fill it; this is were we actually realize, what it means to lose someone! ‘Move on’, ‘you will always find someone’, ‘you miss a train, an other one is on its way’… whatever fortunes and great people fills your void, the emptiness stays, you could only ignore it, that is the legacy of their time with you!
And because as of now you are unaware of their worth. you do not know which part they are fulfilling in your life. and when they are away a part of you is also gone and then you feel incomplete without that part of yours which they were fulfilling. that emptiness that hollowness that silence which they left behind make us realize the value of them. When someone cares for them a lot people think that they always care no matter how much we hurt/insult them. When we make us available all the time , they take us for granted and they never realise that we make ourselves free to make time for them..
When we chase them, when we text them they started ignoring us. At least we decide to stay away from them after getting hurt. Later what happens is that they started missing those things which we did for them and they expect others to shower the love/affection as we did for them. When they didn't get any sort of love and respect from others and when others ignore them , they realise how much we care for them and all of a sudden they understand our value.
These are some situations where people realise our value when we leave them. Men are visual. We are attracted to bright lights and pretty colors. We are taught that men don't talk about, or even admit we have feelings. You probably knew you loved her before she left. Her being gone just brought it to the front. We have all been there. Next time buddy. Forget what other guys say. If you love her. Let her know. It's your life. You make your own happiness. Cheers!