When We Are Joyful
Balwant Singraul
Executive in eCommerce & Product Management, specializing in Digital Business Strategy and Advanced Analytics
When we're joyful, we don't look for perfection. If you're looking for perfection, then you aren't at the source of joy.
On the surface, the world appears imperfect, but underneath it's all perfect.
Perfection hides.
Imperfection shows off.
The wise won't dwell on the surface but will probe into the depth.
Things aren't blurred; your vision is blurred. An infinite number of actions happen in the wholeness of consciousness, and yet consciousness remains perfect and untouched. As seekers of truth, realize this now and be at home, comfortable, and at ease.
Excerpts from "Notes for the Journey Within" by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar #srisriravishankar #notesforthejourneywithin #mindcoaching #mindcare #Perfection #Depth #SeekerOfTruth #Wisdom #InnerPeace
Amazon link for the book: https://a.co/d/17Yxida