When Will We Ever Learn?
Nelson Montana
Author / Music Producer, Composer, Arranger, Engineer and Multi Instrumentalist / Diet and Fitness Authority
I’m no military strategist, but I know a little about history. And it seems that the good old U.S.A, with its history of armed force success along with the mightiest military capability, the most proven resolve, the most efficient defense system ever devised and the greatest economic resources, that we'd know after a half century of failure what NOT to do. But we keep doing it.
In fact, after WWII America has pretty much sucked at every major military operation it engaged in -- with a couple of exceptions. Maybe we should use those exceptions as the blueprint. Nah. Government likes using the failures. Because the reality is, war isn’t really war anymore. It’s more like a mini series, with a designated plot and a fabricated resolution hyped up to sell to a gullible public in order to win over the audience. In short, it’s politics. And money. (Actually, that's pretty much the same thing).
Hell, let’s go back to the Korean war. What was the plan there? Oh yeah, to stop communism. After 3 years we called it quits.
Then there was the Bay of Pigs. Another attempt to curb communistic rule. I heard it didn’t go well.
Then, of course there was Viet Nam – where we never went all out. We just nipped away in an effort to (once again) keep the communists at bay. After 15 years or so, the side we were defending fell. We left with our tail between our legs and called it "Peace with Honor.” And even today there are people who think it ended because of all the protests and public outrage. Nah, the politicians don’t care about that. Never did. Never will.
Some may remember Jimmy Carter’s attempt to rescue the American hostages in Iran. Ever the optimistic pacifist he had hoped that he’d get support form the U.N. It was a humiliating disaster.
Although the Clinton Presidency is thought of as a success mostly due to the economic boom we experienced, Billy Boy made a few military blunders himself. And of course George Bush had to do SOMETHING after 9/11 but he and Dick Cheny didn’t want to risk offending their connections in the oil empire so they invaded two countries that had nothing to do with the attacks. Just as good. They know that’s all the public wants. Just give them some big talk and blow some stuff up and claim Mission Accomplished. U.S.A!!! U.S.A!!!
On a positive note there were exactly three successful military actions in the last 50 years – sort of.
The first is Reagan’s “Peace Through Strength” used the strategy of creating a military so powerful that no other nation would dare challenge it. The cost of the program was criticized but…it worked.
The second was Barack Obama greenlighted the plan to assassinate Osama Bin Laden. Even though this did nothing to rectify the existing damage , nor did it prevent any further attacks, it did provide a tremendous moral lift to the American people – which was somewhat dampened by Obama’s reluctance to give Bin Laden anything but a “proper Muslim Burial.”
And the third was Trump’s order to get Abu Baghdadi , elliminating ISIS in the process and stabilizing the region for years to follow.
What do these three actions have in common? They are the exact opposite of all the failures. They were certain, all out, full blown aggressive actions. When it comes to war, that’s the only thing that works. You can’t topple a tree by poking it with a spoon, no matter how long you do it. It must be axed.
And now what do we have? An old fool who doesn’t know where he is, blindly listening to a gaggle of advisors attempting to make him look Presidential. Or in the least, less oblivious. And the result? He destabilized Afghanistan causing the deaths of Americans and handing over the country to the Taliban while leaving millions of dollars in American weaponry for them to use. He’s sent – so far – 80 billion dollars to the Ukraine for them to chip away at THEIR war – because that’s more important than using 80 billion dollars to help the disadvantaged in this country. If ever a war could have been avoided with diplomacy, it was that one, but...why bother? It was good theater to show support for the Ukrainian people. And plenty of politicians have stocks in the military complex so it's a profit making move.
And now, after getting slapped around by Iran, instead of offering an ultimatum , instead of addressing the American people with his concern, he finally puts on a show of bombing some buildings that have been evacuated by the enemy weeks ago. That’s his demonstration of strength. And ya know what? It’ll work.
It will work because that’s all people really want. Give them a show. Make it look good. Tell CNN to report it as a success. And then it is.
Throw in support for the Israli/Palastinian conflict and that's three wars we're currently in with no end in site.
They never learn. These feckless politicians speak of not wanting war, but the best war to avoid war is the strike first, strike hard and nip it in the bud. Make it count and end it quick. Fight to win. Not to contain. Because as history shows, that never works out.
What’s happening now is a re-run of the past. Stale, ineffectual hackneyed hogwash. But it’s all we have. That’s show biz. It’s the “presentation” of winning a war. It’s this season's mini series brought to you by the good people at Pfizer, Disney, Amazon, Apple, and Netflix. It’ll be a ratings blockbuster!
Just don’t expect a happy ending.