When We Create the Right Habits, Success Follows
Winners and losers often have the same goals, but they achieve different results. If you're not seeing the success you were hoping for, chances are you don't have a goal problem, you have a system problem. I have heard it said we don't rise to the level of our goals, we fall to the level of our systems. Your system is the collection of your process, behaviors and habits. We must be more focused on our habits rather than our goals. When we focus on even creating small habits it makes a big difference.
When you start a new habit you might not always get it right. But what matters is that you are working towards a majority. The goal is to have more successes than failures. You don't have to be perfect you just need a majority of successes. Eventually the failures will be fewer. For some of us we have to get started on creating the right habits to achieve the business results we want.
To achieve success don't focus all your time an energy on the goal, but it is more important to focus on the proper systems.
So whatever goal you are seeking to achieve and start today by identifying those right habits to lead us to the path of success.