When the wavelength matches, an out-of-the-box campaign is created

When the wavelength matches, an out-of-the-box campaign is created

There are firms that believe in work-life balance, and Ratnam Enterprise is one of them. Ratnam always concentrated on keeping the employees the first important; providing enticing experience and services is their mission.?

Working with Ratnam is always fascinating as they always concentrate on the ethics of the company and employees. These gave us reasons to create unique and exclusive campaigns for them.?

As a brand, we created the connection between the brand’s ethics and with Olympics and designed a campaign?

  • Transparency vs fair game
  • Ethical vs virtuous?
  • Integrity vs discipline

While we created another campaign concentrating on the employees’ ‘Work Life Balance’ campaign in which we included the personal experience of the employees. The main objective of this campaign was to create brand engagement with their employees.?

At U & I we always strive to create unique campaigns for the clients to understand the wavelength.?


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