When is a warning not a warning? ALWAYS
Deborah Heggen
Hopeless Creative | Personal Catalyst | Constant Innovator | Intentional Connector
July 12 starts the nationwide CVSA Enforcement Blitz---if you are issued a warning, don't breathe a sigh of relief, because you were just CONVICTED, and CSA points went into your record.
A warning carries all of the penalties of PLEADING GUILTY to a citation, and you are stuck with that conviction and those points for 3 years on yours AND YOUR CARRIER'S record---putting you at risk to be uninsurable, and threaten your ability to earn.
Instead, say this: "Respectfully, sir, I want my right to go to court, please give me a ticket".
Then fight the ticket in court. An order of dismissal or reduction of charge can be used to remove those points and keep your MVR clean.
It is our mission to protect the livelihoods of professional drivers.