When Vision Gets Traction
First cohort of Newbigin Pioneering Hub graduates - July 2023

When Vision Gets Traction

‘Forget the former things;

????do not dwell on the past.

See, I am doing a new thing!

????Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?

I am making a way in the wilderness

????and streams in the wasteland.’

(Isaiah 43:18-19)

Dear friends,?

We live in such challenging times, but need to be ready to see those special moments of divine opportunity and grasp them with all we have. For me new responses come best from identifying a deep sense of passion, purpose and preferred future within myself that helps me see key people, approaches and build on momentum until progress has a life of their own in our local community. This has been happening for us in our neighbourhood, Winson Green since 2014. Not only with two new local congregations or Newbigin Community Trust becoming an anchor community organisation in the neighbourhood, but also now with a new local High School and proposed housing.

This sense of vision and progress is also now finding traction in our broader calling with Seedbeds to invest in local community leaders wherever they are.??

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We long for every neighbourhood to flourish. This is why Seedbeds exists. We believe all local communities are designed by God for “Fullness of Life’, or “Shalom”, where God, people and place live in harmony together. Too often this potential for Shalom lays dormant and the “weeds” of oppression and injustice choke the life out of local people and places. Too many neighbourhoods become like “Wastelands” unnecessarily. We have found that interventions “to” or “for” local communities do not go deep enough to see lasting change happen in the places we live, love and serve. Few community-based organisations, including local churches, have the capacity to move beyond limited, “needs-based”, service provision approaches and they never get to see their local communities thrive as they are intended to.

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Healthy, sustainable change can, however, be grown from within local communities. Like springs of living water found in even the most desolate neighbourhoods, we have found the old adage “use what’s strong to fix what’s wrong” is a far better approach than even the most professional outside interventions. A key quest for Seedbeds then has become, ‘How can we best incubate local people and their ideas together so that change grows “from within” local residents and the places they live?’ We therefore especially designed Seedbeds’ programmes so that local people and places can discover their unique talents, connect together and be released into fullness of life. We focus on self awareness, solidarity and finding new resources to nurture God’s promised shalom “with’ and “by” local communities.?

The beginnings of this infinite vision and possible methods found me over 30 years ago in Melbourne, grew in Bangkok and strengthened in Birmingham. A lot has happened over the decades, but I have been especially encouraged by the traction our teams have found since I returned from Sabbatical in March 2023.

Here are a few highlights: ?

Young Change Makers around a camp fire

In March we saw 14 teenagers in our Young Change Makers programme pitch of their ideas for change in East London and Birmingham to a resource panel. This 6 month programme was designed and run by Change Makers alumni, who are now local leaders, passing forward what they are learning to the next generation. We have had 8 cohorts of Change Makers in England and Scotland since 2015 with many graduates now leading local community organisations, churches, projects and enterprises across the UK. A 9th cohort starts in September. See Change Maker interviews here.

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In April we saw a ‘Sustainable Leadership’ MA unit run with Christian leaders with Ukrainian Evangelical Theological College in Kiev, Ukraine. This is our fifth year of leading post-graduate units here. Dave Mann traveled from East London to be in Kiev in person and I facilitated my sessions via zoom this time. We also saw Lesslie Newbigin’s classic text, Gospel in a Pluralists Society, released in Russian through UETS. Despite the Russian invasion, these student-leaders continue to resist and find ways to love their war torn neighbourhoods in remarkable ways. See UETS latest report here. ?

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In April we saw our first completed draft, cover and foreword for my new book No Wastelands: How to grow seedbeds of shalom in your neighbourhood. This feels like a land mark book for me. In it I share my odyssey of serving on the front line of urban poverty on three continents with stories, scriptures, and challenging insights I hope can inspire readers to release the unique potential of their local communities. Brian McLaren was so kind in his foreword, including writing, “Whoever you are, ‘No Wastelands’ will help you learn what I have been learning from Ash over the years: that making a difference is neither as simple as we think nor as impossible as we think.”?There are still lots of rewrites to go, but we hope to launch in print, kindle and audio in January 2024. If you would like to be part of the launch team, get a sneak preview and do a book review please contact [email protected]?

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In May we saw a Pilgrimage on Cuthbert’s Way bring community leaders from Birmingham and East London on a sacred journey together. We began in Melrose on the Scottish Borders and five days, 100km later walked barefoot onto Holy Island. We also saw a group of Australian Christian leaders do a shorter version in July. These newly renewed community leaders, collectively, impact hundreds, if not thousands of people in their local places each week. We have our next Cuthbert’s Way Pilgrimage in September. See Facebook posts here.?

In May we also saw our first PhD student start supervision with us. The topic is still taking shape, but looks to be around the impact of white Christian nationalism using a case study from a local community. This is a dream come true for me as the late Dr Ross Langmead invested in me to see me through my PhD and I’ve longed to pass this gift forward to others. Seedbeds’ partnership with Nazarene Theological College (validated by University of Manchester) began in 2016 and has mostly been designing and running MA units. Our next MA Unit “Practices of Social Justice” begins in January and is part of the MA in Social Justice and Humanitarian Development. It can now be done fully online as well as is person in Manchester. More details and applications here.??

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In June we saw the beginnings of our Pioneers Collective with over 30 pioneers gathered at Newbigin House, Winson Green. Red Letter Christian founder Shane Claiborne and CMS’s Jonny Sertin led the day. The Pioneers Collective will advocate and advance the calling of pioneering including helping to recognise and resource pioneers through: connections with new mission contexts; negotiations with church structures; access to learning pathways and endorsements; retreats; and pastoral supervision. We believe we can go further and deeper in our callings as pioneers if we connect together well. See Shane Claiborne’s ‘Newbigin Public Lecture’ here.?

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In June we also saw our ‘Change Incubator Programme’ develop further with 70 participants from Myanmar. These remarkable leaders are resisting the Military Junta and therefore can’t work their regular government jobs. An online programme for two months was offered and then in late June an intensive on the Thai-Burma border to pitch their ideas for enterprise and change to a resource panel. The 39 pitches attracted over £11,000 worth of seed-funding for their enterprises. Plans to widen the variety of online courses and help prepare for post-war Myanmar are planned, including running the Change Incubator programme again next year. See Sky News’ recent report on the Civil War in Myanmar here.?

  • In July we saw our ‘Newbigin Pioneers’ pitch their ideas for crossing barriers and creating new opportunities for flourishing in their local communities. After a year of study, 18 pioneers graduated with 14 collecting a CMS Certificate in Pioneering Mission. Some will go onto to be recognised as ‘Lay Pioneers’ with the United Reformed Church and Congregational Federation. We look forward to seeing how our graduates enable their local communities to flourish in God’s love and Shalom as the future unfolds. See the URC’s report here. A new cohort start in September and can be applied for here.

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In July we also saw a decision to start a new Pioneering and Seedbeds centre in East Ham, London. The United Reformed Church (North Thames Synod) are making a local church building in East Ham available for a new Fresh Expression congregation and our training, working alongside local charity, Renewal Programme, already based there. This will give a new base for our Dave Mann and will help create more capacity and reach in our vision. ??

Could God be doing a new thing with us all? Do we perceive it? Old, dormant wastelands transformed by new springs rising up from within local communities? These are all encouraging signs for us and we know far more is possible in the future through Seedbeds.?

Even our current tractions and progress, however, have challenged us. We are a small Seedbeds team with a shoestring budget (see our CIC report at Companies House here) and feel overstretched. We know our dream is far bigger than just us, but we sense that if we can invest in some capacity building (including developing Seedbeds train-the-trainers, coach-the-coaches and prepare-the-panelists) then our local leadership incubation programmes can be more sustainable and also be reproduced and contextualised around the world. We are therefore seeking help from?organisational capacity building expertise and funding to help this happen.

We do feel like we are just starting to see what is possible with Seedbeds. Would you pray, support and join us we take our next steps??


Ash Barker ?

PS. You can give to Seedbeds here to help our next steps.

Please take up a Seedbeds programme that connects with you and your local community.?Two upcoming programmes to consider include: ??

Newbigin Pioneering Hub - CMS Certificate in Pioneering ?

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Do you See…

  • New possibilities?
  • ? A way where there is no way?
  • ? Ideas for mission in your community that just might work?
  • ? A new community of disciples where there is none?
  • ? How your local community can flourish in God’s love and shalom, but know this can’t happen alone?

If you can see even a glimpse of any of these, then come and be part of the Newbigin Pioneering Hub, see if your hopes can be realised together with us, achieve a Certificate in Pioneering Mission and have the option to apply for URC Assembly Accreditation for Lay Pioneers.??

This is our foundational course designed and led by experienced pioneering practitioners, for practitioners. Church Mission Society offers this course around the UK and now it’s available to all, rooted in the United Reformed Church in partnership with the Congregational Federation and planted in a live pioneering context in inner city Birmingham.

The course starts in September and includes 6 units run over 3 weekend residentials (The Greenhouse at Barnes Close), hybrid seminars (Lodge Road Community Church, Birmingham) on 3 full Saturdays in-person and 3 Wednesday evenings online, as well as online learning circles and personal coaching. There is also a final pitch of your pioneering project to a resource panel and graduation. Certificates are awarded following submission of 6 assignments giving the option to apply for URC Assembly Accreditation for Lay Pioneers.?

Fill in the application form to apply for 2023-24 programme.

Application Closing Date : Friday 1 September 2023.


MA with Nazarene Theological College (validated by University of Manchester)

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We work with our partners Nazarene Theological College (University of Manchester) to design and deliver selected courses for the MA in Theology (Humanitarian Development and Social Justice). It takes four units plus a dissertation to gain the award. These can now be done fully online or in person.?

The next MA units being offered by NTC with Seedbeds Learning are as follows:?

ST7640 Practices of Social Justice?

Tutor: Dr Ash Barker (Seedbeds) and Kate Bowen-Evans (Nazarenes Compassionate Ministries)?

When? 13 – 20 January 2024 at Nazarene Theological College, Manchester

This unit explores critically the fulfilment of the Church’s mission of social transformation through programmes of social justice in cross-cultural and urban settings.?

This unit can be taken for a number of MA in Theology pathways through NTC and awarded by University of Manchester. Please apply here.


PT7690 Resilient Discipleship

Tutors: Dr Sally Mann (Red Letter Christians UK and Bonny Downs Community Church), Shane Claiborne (Red Letter Christians) and Dr Ash Barker (Seedbeds)

When? 1 – 8 June 2024 at Nazarene Theological College, Manchester.

This unit explores the nature and call of Christian discipleship as a core motif to sustaining life and ministry in complex urban contexts. What are the biblical, theological and practical frameworks that can be discerned for faithful, resilient and relevant urban engagement as Christ-followers? How can Christian discipleship inform and inspire our spirituality, leadership practices and vision for God’s in-breaking, new urban world?

This unit can be taken for a number of MA in Theology pathways through NTC and awarded by University of Manchester. Please apply here.



