When validation is delayed - Keep going!

When validation is delayed - Keep going!

Happy Wednesday,?

Wow, the week flew by in no time!? On Friday there was not the right time to publish my feature; for some reason I felt all same-ol, same-ol stuff coming up. Metaverse, leading a life of a startup founder, failing, succeeding and of course the recent OpenAI stuff we are swamped with.? My intention is NOT to waste your time and provide you with impulses that matter.

At the break of dawn after a wonderful beginning of the week, with heaven sent conversations and first fruits to reap of the effort of the past 3 months.

It’s been now a couple of months, since I’ve started really listening to my intuition and following my heart, when it comes to what business and really important life decisions.

Here’s a first insight, into what it does, if you shift from being directed by your job, boss, your obligations, or even restrictions and challenges to become focused on love what you do and have a clear intention and stick to it, because you decided to follow through, no matter what.

Each day you have challenges to readjust

Well, interestingly what seems like she is leading the ideal life and doing what she thrives in with all that fun, inspiration and time for those hobbies like writing a novel, it is the case, as long as you shut off the nasty validation pattern, most of us have been cultivating since childhood.?

I left corporate last year and with that I had to reinvent or better readjust myself in terms of ‘what do I stand for’.?The wonderful aspect about it is, if you are ‘free’ to do that, you start really cleaning up not just your life, but have the potential to get rid of what is preventing your from achieving your goals.?This includes habits, people, and world views.?It includes a certain way of life and a look in the mirror asking who am I and who I want to be in this next chapter.?At the same time it means to be brutally honest with yourself, since the more you start opening up and exiting your patterns and autopilot, you felt so comfy with, you begin to understand why life took you to that very moment to face this question: So, Danny, what’s next?

Reading is usually a great first start, but as previously mentioned reading is just procrastination monster lurking to prevent you from acting on what you came to be.

What if nobody reacts on what I do??

It was instagram this morning that really gave me that needed wake up call and solve my writers blog: ‘The difference between you and your favorite successful influencer is that she believes more of her thoughts are worthy of posting.’ BAAHM!?There you have it.?It’s basically not the validation that is what is important, but that you get what ever is in there out.?I mean, frankly, sometimes I wonder why people like certain things, and others are totally overlooked.?

And it is not just on social media the case but really everywhere.?If you really challenge some of the TikTok books in terms of content, writing style and story plot, I’m really surprised, that some of these books are even sold out and other great writers are not known at all!?I’m so in love with African writers, some people don’t even know their names.?Point is, if there is something worthy to say, just go out and say it and do what you feel is right.?Validation, feedback and the pay off, will eventually come, if your heart is all in, trust me.?The. more you keep going, the better.?It’s not just the social media attention and likes, and flames and starts we crave, this all can be applied as well to schools and at the workplace.?

School is actually where it all starts and it continues throughout all kinds of channels and spaces we navigate in.?

Point is, if just one person who’s reading this or one of my truthful subscribers feels a call to do something and this little idea evolves into the next big thing or maybe just brightens the day of somebody else, gives the needed ass kick to get things moving; well guess what??Mission accomplished!

Chasing Wonder Woman

Truth is, when this delay kicks in and you don’t receive (anymore) the likes, messages, encouragement from the outside, you feel like, hmmm I’m not sure, is anybody interested, should I do something else, nobody is really caring about any of my words.?And this is when - ladies and gents - the rubber meets the road: you see for which reasons you started doing it in the first place.?Desperation??Self-validation??Attention??To sell? or to make a difference and contribute with your honest ideas?

Intention is what keeps you going.?Intention is not the wish, it is not the impulse, intention is the desire with a plan to put it out.?With an intention to do something, there is not necessarily the focus on an immediate outcome, but you do everything to reach your aim, goal or purpose. As Adam Markovitz, film critic, Entertainment Weekly, was cited in a Forbes article: ‘“we love superhero origin stories because they “show the exact moment when a normal guy goes from being just like us to being somehow better, faster, stronger.”?A critical point of any origin story is the moment intention becomes unmistakably clear.?It’s true of the origin story of Captain Marvel, Batman, and YOU.?The moment intention becomes clear, we become “better, faster, stronger.”’?

This is exactly the moment when you start contemplating and start to write down stuff, sorting, visualizing and with that the vision is in your head in motion picture; ready to be show in the theatres or streamed on Netflix.?And you start acting chasing your own super hero to achieve it.?Sounds awesome.?This all comes with a caveat though.?What I learnt in so many ways, ever since I went really all in and all out is, sometimes life throws at you curveballs to even think more ahead as you yet dared to imagine.?Every day it’s this chase, for your inner superhero, and with every step you feel more and more like becoming yourself and just don’t give a darn f* about what other people might think, or to what extend the outside is changing.?You simply believe in yourself with the intention to make it happen.?Period.?End of story.?You are certain that it will, being entirely open about the who, where, and when.?Well, and this is when you see, it’s eventually paying off.?Step by step.?You reap what you sowed - through your intention.?Success kicks in and the right people see you in due time.?And guess what, there is the next challenge; on how to handle, navigate and as well how to prioritize, to keep the momentum going.?And each moment of doubt feels like: why did I waste time to think about others? ?

Sometimes the universe works with delays, but something is happening you moment you decide to just go for it and stick to who you are.?

Get your fantastic ideas out there share, collaborate and let’s make a difference, not just the influencer, but each of us.?



Words that stuck with me:?

“Intention is one with cause and effect. Intention determines outcome. And if you're stuck and not moving forward, you have to check the thought and the action that created the circumstance. — Oprah Winfrey .”?I listened to an episode of Oprah’s super soul podcast this week and it is really amazing on how much intention influences the way we succeed.

Reads that inspire me?Americanah. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.?Asking questions helps to understand why we are doing what we are doing and if we are still on track or back on autopilot.?Guess what, autopilot kills your intention or at least slows it down.

If you don't understand, ask questions. If you're uncomfortable about asking questions, say you are uncomfortable about asking questions and then ask anyway. It's easy to tell when a question is coming from a good place. Then listen some more. Sometimes people just want to feel heard. Here's to possibilities of friendship and connection and understanding.’?

Thanks Rukayyat Modupe Kolawole, CFA. EMBA , for introducing me to this wonderful writer!

Chasing you inner Superhero?Heroes are made by the powers they choose, not the powers they are graced with.’ - Iron Man.

Anowar Hossain

#Social media marketing expert. #Facebook ads campaign, #Amazon book promotion, #LinkedIn Specialist, #Youtube video SEO, #Youtube video promotion expert.

2 年




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