When to use(Git CLI vs GitHub vs Git IDE Plugin)
Git has replaced the SVN and CVS to be the most popular source code version control system in the market from several years ago.
This is from distributed VCS, whereas centralized VCS evaluation.
We all talked about git command line, github, or IDE git plugin. So what is the best practice to use them or when to use then? This is more depends on your application development.
The best way to get this determined is to fully understand the Git.
1. Git working flow
Git Workflow | Atlassian Git Tutorial
This is a very good tutorial to get you understand what is git
?2. Github
Github is the most GUI git tooling site in recent years. But of course, there are GitLab, BitBucker similar produce are very active as well.
Use Github as an example
So to familiar the Github User Interface is very important for each developer. For example , how to set up a new repo/project, create branch, merge, create PR, check history, revert commit and so on.
In most cases, personally I will prefer to use Github to do above git operation compare to use IDE git plugin or git command line.
The reason is Github give you more clear picture on this build process flow. Also if you have set up your
CI/CD integrated with GitHub, then either jenkins or travis build will be running after the PR created. From here, you can navigate different CI tooling to monitor your build process.
This will include your unit testing/integration testing and so on.
Code review can be done with Github as well. Merge should wait until travis build passed and code review.
3. Git IDE Plugin
If you are using Eclipse, then EGIT is your native plugin installed with eclipse already
Similar to IntelliJ, It has its own Git pluing
If you are using VS code, Github extension plugin is a must to have item
In most of cases, personally i will prefer to do following git operation using Git IDE Plugin
1. Pull changes
2. Commit/Push changes to your own branch
3. Compare history code
4. Replace with revision/head changes
5. Resolve conflict
6. Clone a project from remote repo
It is much more easier to use Git IDE plugin compare to Git Command line/Github
4. Git Command line(CLI)
It depends on your application/project, git GLI can be very rarely to be used.
But some of the common git commands
For example
1. Git pull
2. Git clone
3. Other git config command etc
PS: if you are a devops/SRE, you should need more familiar of Git GLI as most of scripts needed.
I think the balance of using Github, IDE Git Plugin and Git CLI will help you to improve your development productivity. But it is also personal preference as well.
There is also another app called Git Desktop is very handy as well in some cases.