Observation of happy and successful people leads me to think they have a knack of making the right intuitive decisions. But when should you trust your intuition to the extent of making a big bet on it?
And when should you not?
Go with your gut hunch. It’s likely right.
The mind asks questions. If you're nervous about a state of affairs and hear yourself asking questions that begin with;
What if?
And Why?
Then you know your mind is taking over. Take a deep breath and ask yourself,”
What am I afraid will happen?” Then be willing for the unsought to take place.
Frequently, if you'll just be willing to face whatever happens, the outcome isn't as severe as your mind has created it to be. As a matter of fact, you may be pleased with the result. There's no anxiety with the Gut. No emotional component. The answers are always pragmatic.
It is not necessary to find a calm room, meditate, chant, stand on one’s head, do a fire walk or convert to a vegetarian to key into the voice of your Gut. Once you're open to the Gut’s message, getting guidance becomes effortless. It merely requires willingness to let go of the fear and doubt of the mind, and trust that inner voice.
Occasionally this message is shrieking within you, yet you're clouded. You plug your ears, and close your eyes, you don't want to let go of previous habits. Even though they have not worked, they're comfortable. Trusting your Gut will move you to the place you're meant to be.
Discover the processes you utilize most often, and write them down step-by-step. Re- author them on paper for greater efficiency. Then apply and test your improved processes. Occasionally we just can’t see what’s right in front of us till we examine it under a microscope.
Don't work against your natural tendencies- work with them! If you are a walker, don't try to force yourself into becoming a long-distance runner. If you are a social butterfly, take a new fitness class with a friend, or if you favor solo exercise, examine a new Pilates DVD at home.
When you know you've been good to yourself, treat yourself! Find a reward that inspires you- a new pair of sneakers or workout outfit, a new music CD for your walk or pamper your feet with a pedicure for all of your efforts. You may be surprised - that gold-star, pat-on-theback goes a long way towards helping you remain motivated.
We all need a boost now and then, and occasionally the best way to get it is by doing LESS, not MORE. Resist the urge to push yourself to your limits, and try going the other way. Examine a yoga class, treat yourself to a massage or simply sit still and just center on your breath for 10 minutes today.
I don’t mean you should never trust a hunch if only one of the rules applies. Sometimes you really are an expert, but want to follow the hunch. That’s OK, as long as you realize there is some substantial risk. Similarly, you may not be an expert and you may not want the hunch - there is risk again, but it is not foolish to follow the hunch.
What I can say, though, is that if both rules give you a negative answer - if you are not an expert and do want the hunch - you should not follow it.
And if both give you the green light - you are an expert and you don’t want the hunch - then I’d strongly recommend you follow it.
Applying Intuition to Life and Career Decisions
Should you start a serious relationship with Kriti or Naima ?
Should you accept a job from Megacorp or from a small venture that’s just started?
Should you leave a well-paid job you like to join your brother-in-law’s fledgling outfit?
Should you get married?
Should you leave your lover?
Suppose you have an intuition about any of these - or any other important life decision. Then the two rules can help:
1. How well do you know the terrain or the people? Has your subconscious mind had plenty of relevant grist to its mill - has it had plenty of time to amass soft information and think through the issues? Are you an “expert” on the people or firms?
Have you spent a lot of time with Jim or Jane, and seen them in a variety of different situations - especially when they are stressed, emotional, or just being themselves and not putting on a show?
Do you know Megacorp well, or just judge by its shiny exterior? Has a good friend worked there for years, and has she spilt the beans on life inside the firm? How well do you know the people who started the little venture? Do they really understand its market - and do you?
Ask the same questions about your bro-in-law and his firm.
How well do you know your intended? Have you explored his or her dark side? How well do you know his or her family and best friends?
And so on. How well informed is your subconscious mind?
2. Do you want the hunch? The more you resist your intuition and rationalize it away, the more persuasive it really should become.
The more well qualified and pesky your subconscious is, the more you should follow its hunches, wherever they lead.
Action Implications
1. Use your intuition more. Listen to your subconscious mind - it may be the wisest part of you.
2. Trust your hunch if your subconscious mind is an “expert” on the subject.
3. Trust your hunch if you don’t want it.
What do you think…………….. ?
The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice .All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensue discussion or debate.
Thank you …Rule - a hunch can be trusted if your mind is likely to have deep knowledge of the relevant domain…if you are not an expert and do want the hunch - you should not follow it.