When Toilet Paper hit the fan...
Wayne Cohen - The Indestructible Dad
Husband, Father of 4, Author, Owner at Blinds By Design CW & RCG Security Doors, President at Bathurst Harness Racing
Yeah you remember a few weeks back when T.P was in high demand? Well for us at BRS, and many other security companies around Australia it really hit the fan – demand for our guards increased 25X – yes that’s 25 TIMES normal AND one of our main suppliers had to go from being responsible for allocating 10,000 security hours a week to being responsible for allocating over 125,000 security hours.
Just phenomenal.
I can’t say how they did it, they called and said what they needed and I replied with a confirmation but also gave them an indication of what we’d be capable of doing across the Central West.
What I can say is how amazing our team have been, and in general ARE given the pivoting we’ve done over the last few weeks and months.
I’ve got 3 things that worked for us and I hope you can use for your team –
1. Communicating their value to the company and team. As part of this demonstrating how hard your working on winning more work to keep the wheels moving VS being a passive, lethargic leader. Working towards an open and honest culture.
2. Sharing the bigger picture – yes we’re in the T.P era, but what actions do we need to do daily and where are we headed. For us, it was combining 2 businesses into one with a full re-brand and ‘Jersey Presentation’ as I called it. ONE TEAM.
3. Flexibility – Some staff are Casual, and have other jobs, being able to roster in advance and provide some sort of financial security for each of them has taken away a lot of stress that sadly a lot of other industries can’t do.
For those of you doing it tough, I know how tough it is, but we’ve got to work smart, work hard and make a call to a friend, advisor, hell msg me or anyone for a chat if you’ve hit a wall thinking about or are unsure what to do.
#strongertogether #bathurstbusiness #bathurstsecurity #security
Partner - Grandfather - Friend - Father - Marketer - Educator
4 年Some MASSIVE increases in demand mate. Congrats on handling the workload and to the staff in stepping up to 'make hay while the sun shines' ! Huge results!